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Casuals Prefer Variety Over Depth

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so I was very happy to hear about the new game mode. It looks good and fun on its own, but I was surprised for two reasons. It was not played on an original map but with Push rules, instead on a new map. The Stronghold map would have been ideal for this. The other reason althought it looks fun, it won't have much staying power due to its repetitiveness. Repetition is fine for a casual mode but once the novelty wears off, players who jumped into Push for a couple of games will soon disappear again because the alternative is an under-developed mode in Stronghold and Conquest which they may avoid for various reasons.

Other games with a payload game mode shuffle it in with other casual modes and re-purpose old maps for that mode. So I propose to do the same. Re-use Conquest maps and the Stronghold map and add rulesets for different modes.  I'd also suggest to create variations of Push and Conquest to add variety and also prepare players for Conquest, if they want to take the jump. All modes below got a 10 minute time limit.

Alternatives to Push:
Assault: One team pushes, the other defends. Round timer is set to 5 minutes. If the timer runs out or the attacking team pushes it all the ways teams swap roles and the timer is set to the time the attacking team needed. Reset to 5 if the first attacking team clinched it last minute. Use team score as a tie breaker if both teams push the same distance.

Two payloads: On bigger maps such as Stronghold of similar which enable two lanes create two payloads, one for each team. The team which pushed it the farthest wins.

Alternatives to Conquest:

Double Domination: Instead of 3 capture nodes, use 2 at roughly equidistance to each team spawn. Teams need to capture and hold both nodes at the same time for a couple of seconds to score a point. The team with the most scores wins. If there is no winner at 10 minutes, disable respawn.

Nexus: Instead of 3 nodes, there are 4 capture nodes and one nexus per team. Capture nodes are linked in a specific way so there are one or two frontlines depending on the map. Teams need to link capture nodes to the enemy nexus to make it vulnerable for attacks. The team which destroys the enemy's nexus first wins. After 10 minutes both nexus constantly lose hitpoints until at least one is destroyed. If both are destroyed at the same time use team score as tiebreaker.

Please note: Each variation shall introduce various plays and roles to the player while holding hands with them.

Two more things:
1) ANET could create ways for players to create matches with altered rules. So they have some customization options and mild content generation.
2) ANET could add bots for solo play or human players vs AI for more variety and even easier introduction into pvp.

Thank you for your time.

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I’m all for adding more customization to custom arenas. Love it, do it, done. 

I think the issue with adding more game modes - if separate queues - would be extended queue times or even worse disparity in the skill level of the teams if you try to shorten the queue. If we could get a larger player base for PvP I’d be all for increasing the variety of match types. I think they need to make deathmatch a standard queue before anything else since a lot of people seem to want that format but it only exists in between seasons 

Personally I think anet needs to find a way to attract more people to PvP - maybe this new push mode will do it, but I’m doubtful. I think people might be more incentivized with rewards over a new game mode. At the end of the day push is going to be one team dominating the other and then completing the objective. 

PvP is the most challenging game mode yet the rewards lag behind pve content. For a newbie what is easier - climbing the divisions of a small PvP community for crappy rewards or doing a scripted meta event or raid that showers you with gold and ascended gear just for having a pulse?


Make the rewards for PvP reflect the difficulty of the game mode -> grow the population -> then expand on variety. Add unique benefits for guilds that participate and excel in PvP to encourage co-op play, more unique skins, and / or gold. 

Edited by HardStuckBronze.2439
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Better rewards will always bring in more players. 

As for new game modes that are easier and more straightforward I think we would've liked a bigger 10v10 style game mode to be honest. Something similar to a WoW battleground. I think a simple two bases with flags at each one would be a great success due to appealing to any type of player.  I think we are going too indepth, we should just be playing modes that are familiar to us in any game CTF, dominion, TDM etc.

In CTF someone could run the flag and focus on capturing it. Another player could focus on healing the flag carrier. Another player could focus on defending the base. Another player could focus on killing the enemy flag carrier and returning the flag to their base and so on. I believe this would be a huge success because new players and non pvp players could focus on roles that are not necessarily so crucial on their own but add to the team similar to a raid or a strike mission. 

Push seems really simple but it may be so simple that it's just a zerg fest which could actually turn off more players to pvp. Also I don't think focusing the game into a constant team fight can be healthy due to the builds that currently exist. Every class having 3-4 CCs and constantly team fighting is a scary thought for new players. 

I feel like the game devs have a huge pressure to come out with something cool and new. I think they should just stick to the roots of competition and the simpler the better. 

Edited by Lazarus.4105
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30 minutes ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

The stronghold map is like almost a decade old.

Let the new team cook.

Let go, sit back, and give the feedback AFTER the release.

Have a +80 IQ and wait

We got a twitch stream where:

  • CMC didn't play
  • Roy did play, but was seemingly more concerned with his char transmogs
  • Ranger dev played...necro

All on a map they couldn't have actually spent less time designing.

Yeah, great start. Bravo.  

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13 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

We got a twitch stream where:

  • CMC didn't play
  • Roy did play, but was seemingly more concerned with his char transmogs
  • Ranger dev played...necro

All on a map they couldn't have actually spent less time designing.

Yeah, great start. Bravo.  

I'n not saying this attitude is the reason they shy away from PvP interactions, but I am saying that this attitude is the reason they shy away from PvP interactions.

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