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Nerfing Warrior before the REAL monsters emerge.


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1 hour ago, cryorion.9532 said:

So huge red cross above and big orange circle under your feet is not enough + "instantly died"? Get good bro. If you got destroyed by old spearmarshal, I wonder what would happen if greatsword mirage or willbender unleashed their burst on you. But that is ok because community of this game certainly doesn't lack double standard hypocrites.

To be fair, in a zerg fight those indicators probably got culled.

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The funny thing is that staff got nerfed again and even defiance stance got nerfed  just because of the synergy with spear. I expected the nerfs to spear but it feels like spearmarshals support got butchered.


Edited by Ajacks.5836
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8 hours ago, Ajacks.5836 said:

The funny thing is that staff got nerfed again and even defiance stance got nerfed  just because of the synergy with spear. I expected the nerfs to spear but it feels like spearmarshals support got butchered.


Its almost impressive how hard they nerfed the ability, adding the new mechanic or nerfing its damage would have been enough.

Adding both was malicious and clearly personal.

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4 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Its almost impressive how hard they nerfed the ability, adding the new mechanic or nerfing its damage would have been enough.

Adding both was malicious and clearly personal.


I don't think they wanted it to be malicious be it seems that way for sure, the last two weeks i saw very interesting pots about warrior and how it shouldn't exist it seems the community itself can't forget about full counter fiasco and although it's not the fault of the players who are playing warriors in spite that they are getting the most  blame instead of anet for some reason and after that whole warrior broken phase for so long anet are very cautious not to  repeat the same mistake again and that's the main reason and that's why warrior gets axed pretty quickly every time. The axing itself is not the problem its just they do it in very weird way every time and  the whole warrior community is like but why? is it hubris on our part to think we know better than anet since we play it everyday or is it a hubris of their part to think they know better than players who are playing everyday and ranking gold/plat/legendary that is the question, and probably the most important question of all is every opinion in equal value on this matter.

for example with the nerf to defiance stance if u ask good players they will say well we punish warriors who use that heal skill cause the counter is just pay attention and what will a player who wants to just have fun without any thought of getting better what will he say , i'm pretty sure 7/10 "why is this skill healing that much it's broken" some people can have the argument well if warrior is against  1x2 or 3 people you can't control all the people and they will attack him while in defiance stance yes and i agree with that argument but that isn't a problem of the warrior class but the players plus average players they want just to pew pew and hardly think that deep about strategies in pvp and a warrior is a class that always punish over aggressive tactics and most people are not very patient or another problem they choose classes that don't suit their personalities and they want to play thief the same way they play warrior i think this is by far the biggest problem in gw2.

Edited by Ajacks.5836
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