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A tale as old as time, NERF THIEF STEALTH IN WvW


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On 9/22/2024 at 12:42 PM, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

I did, in fact read it, you said "dodges/evades" not blocks. So stop attacking me. 

I got to about 45 in HoM because I didn't want to use texmod just for cartography to top off the rest.


If you want to have a "___ measuring contest" I will destroy you in achievements and worlds firsts alone along with team compositions for HA/SC runs and even drop research, guilds I ran with and q6/7 items from early content. 

Back to topic:

I have suggested in the past to add something like critical defenses, flashing blades and even Shadowform in the past but it just keeps getting shutdown by these anti thief whiners. I'd even love to have something like Shroud of Distress added to spear or Feigned Neutrality but I have no idea how they'd gut the rest of thief to put it in. Tbh I'd rather acrobatics have some of these nifty mechanics from gw1 assassin as the trait line blows minus a few traits

If you don't want people to point out you put words in their mouths, as I said, just take the time to read what they write instead of jumping in the comment box. If you make no effort, I clearly won't either. I'll leave it at that.

As for Thief, they will never change it at this stage of the game's life cycle. The last thing they want is anger players and lose another batch due to balance changes, especially one aimed for PvP/WvW, modes with low population compared to PvE where no one is complaining about stealth.

Maybe in GW3 but I'm afraid they will repeat the same mistakes again. Too many times I have seen "balance patches" completely destroying skills/traits while another OP class runs around untouched for years, if not a decade+.

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On 9/21/2024 at 8:51 PM, Scar.1793 said:

The issue with Stealth in GW2 is the low amount of counters. Or more precisely, how crap they are (some classes need to go out of their way just to somewhat face a thief).

See, the sentiment behind the bolded part of your post is the part I have issue with.

You should have builds that are good at fighting thief and builds that aren't, just like every thief build has a counter (yes, they do). A good engineer with lock on will absolutely trash 95% of thieves, and a thief not running D/P is usually easy prey for a thief that is. If you are built to contribute to a zerg, you SHOULD have to go out of your way to change your build to counter a roamer. 

Most people in WvW accept that you need to bring a zerg build to a zerg, but many will then refuse to bring a small scale build to those situations where they're capping a camp themselves or running back to their zerg. Instead they refuse to use the options available to them and complain that they get ganked on their group build.

What a lot of people on here seem to want, then, is for ALL classes on zerg builds to have a way of countering thief, ignoring the fact that if you want a balanced game then thief must be able to counter other professions as much as he is countered himself. Yes, you can discuss where the options offered by the game to counter stealth aren't good enough, that's a good discussion to have, but expecting all classes to be able to play zerg builds and also have counters for roaming classes just isn't cricket. I'm not saying that the guy I quoted thinks like this necessarily, but the sentiment I'm describing is annoyingly common. 

Most classes have a way of being obnoxiously hard to kill to the point that lone roamers will give up and do something else: the build I use to avoid ganks is in my sig. New characters come with two build and equipment slots, so set up a build like that on one template and switch to your zerg build when you get to the zerg. Simples. 

As for actually changing stealth, I've said may times: remove it for all I care. Rogue fantasy includes stuff like Errol Flynn playing Robin Hood (classic old movie), you can be a rogue entirely without stealth. Just be prepared to buff thief to have more damage and survivability to compensate for the mechanic they're currently designed around being removed. 

Edited by Jugglemonkey.8741
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