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Thieves are fine, you're just bad


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It is good and all to vent but remember that this is nothing new.

The only way thief will change is if it becomes very popular. Even if you don't like easy fights, play thief.

Make it popular, make it the most used profession in the game, specially competitive game modes.

We all know the problems, including anet. But anet has shown that they don't fix what is broken. They change what is popular to get people to use unpopular stuff. They do it with everything, professions, skills, weapons, etc.

The thing with thief is that they keep buffing it but most people still don't play it.

So, if you want it to change, start playing it and make it popular.

When the posts titles change from 'nerf teef' to 'only thieves in wvw/pvp/pve', thats when change will come. Not before.

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3 hours ago, igmolicious.5986 said:

Thief is already getting some level of nerf in WvW with the upcomming extension of self reveal, but I do still very much think that every core profession should have access to at least 1 way to apply revealed through traits or skills. I will always equate stealth to conditions or CC, and hold that since every core profession has at least 1 cleanse and 1 stunbreak to counter conditions and CC, they need at least 1 reveal to counter stealth. No mechanic should be uncounterable by 5 out of the 9 core professions.

Thieves wait for stealth to expire so they never get revealed in the first place. They could make it last 10s it wouldn't change a thing.

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