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Renegade legend bug?


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I don't know if this is known, but when trying to drop one of the cats, it fails to complete, regularly. I think it is something to do with the renew refresh or something.. but it is buggy af and often leads to a cat not being placed, which is death in pvp.

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8 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I don't know if this is known, but when trying to drop one of the cats, it fails to complete, regularly. I think it is something to do with the renew refresh or something.. but it is buggy af and often leads to a cat not being placed, which is death in pvp.

I think I had the same problem today for a while in wvw. I thought it was lag at first but rest of the skills worked fine. Maybe it really was dunno. 


Valid path torture is as old as the Renegade. Which shows the value of rev in Anet's eyes.

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14 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

It's this or placement being picky because they're still entities instead of wells.


16 hours ago, alain.1659 said:

I think I had the same problem today for a while in wvw. I thought it was lag at first but rest of the skills worked fine. Maybe it really was dunno. 


Valid path torture is as old as the Renegade. Which shows the value of rev in Anet's eyes.

What ever the case, its pretty fking game breaking for me. There are also multiple ledges when standing on, that you cannot place cats on the ground below, which is also pretty anoying/game breaking from a team support/safer location aspect. I've never had that issue with any other rev abilities.

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3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:


What ever the case, its pretty fking game breaking for me. There are also multiple ledges when standing on, that you cannot place cats on the ground below, which is also pretty anoying/game breaking from a team support/safer location aspect. I've never had that issue with any other rev abilities.

Kalla has many issues that need to be fixed. Yet, I haven't seen any proper fixes. At least being able to summon kitties right below a wall or something might be good.

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They're just so scuffed at this point. Like kitten me, they somehow made it worse after the rework. They're no longer "summons" they shouldn't need a valid pathway to be placed because they now play more like wells, but they didn't touch the code at all. They still act like ground targeted phantasms, they only removed the health bars and hitboxes of the summons. If the "phantasm" can't "physically run" from the the location you're at on the same mesh to the location you're trying to place it at, then it'll fire the error code off. So no cliffs or canyons work unless there's a ramp or bridge within 1200 range of pathing of the two points. (and even that's not guaranteed because Anet's terrain is so bad that tiny rocks and a blade of grass will usually ruin the mesh.)

The other issue is that during the rework they thought of introducing the half baked warband idea, and my god is this thing implemented extremely poorly. I'm not even taking about the mechanic itself and them completely forget about how energy works on rev, no I'm talking about the way they made the "empowered" skills work. They don't act as a 'create buff' > 'consume buff' interaction. No, it literally replaces your normal skills with a new layer over the top till you use one or it times out, then that layer disappears. This layering is so janky. There's a slight delay when its created or removed too so there's a tiny tiny frame where you can't use another summon till its done flipping over. On top of that, because it's cycling out new utility bar, it doesn't respect your skill queue system and will fail to fire off in a combo... EVEN THOUGH THAST'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE MECHANIC. Why doesn't it work like ele pistol or mesmer spear or guard spear. All of those run on a 'create > consume' mechanic. I have no idea what they were thinking when they decided that the whole utility bar needed to cycle in and out rather than adding a mechanical interaction buff that it tracks.

Regardless, the rework was done for the health of the game and not for Renegade itself. They stated many, MANY times that Kalla daze spam was too oppressive for the pvp modes (even though it had a decent cooldown, could move, and could be killed/interrupted) So they changed how all the summons worked so they could have a better time on their preferred class playing vs all 3 revs using kalla at that time. 

My only advice for when you have trouble placing a legend on certain terrain.... hold your mouse over your UI bar at the bottom of your screen when you use a summon. This will spawn the utility skill on the perfect pixel your character is standing on. Doesn't fix the issue if you need it at range, but it'll at least let you're able get a summon out point blank.

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5 hours ago, UncreativeGreen.2019 said:

They stated many, MANY times that Kalla daze spam was too oppressive for the pvp modes (even though it had a decent cooldown, could move, and could be killed/interrupted) So they changed how all the summons worked so they could have a better time on their preferred class playing vs all 3 revs using kalla at that time. 

I don't get this honestly. Not saying you're wrong or that they didn't say that or believe themselves or anything, but this wasn't ever even a thing lol

The only time Kalla got used over Shiro/Jalis for Renegade builds was very early on, when people who didn't know how it worked would get cheesed by Soulcleave, Mad King runes and an Unrelenting Assault.

It's so weird to me that they're willing to say things like that while at the time in PoF, Scourge/Firebrand vomited out infinitely more oppressive aoe, in larger quantities and frequency.

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12 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

that they didn't say that or believe themselves or anything

This is from the March 19th balance patch... There was a stream from somewhere too talking about how unhealthy Darkrazor was for competitive modes too. But I agree that it seemed a little non-sensical compared to the other aoe spam. They obviously got their "metrics" from somewhere, and it most certainly wasn't from being super meta among the playerbase.

Our major initiative for revenant in this update is a rework for the legendary renegade stance. While the stance is actively used in PvE modes, it has struggled to exist in a healthy state in competitive modes due to the underlying mechanics. Our goal for this rework is to reduce some of the visual clutter and increase the counterplay of many of these skills, while still maintaining its viability in PvE.

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34 minutes ago, UncreativeGreen.2019 said:

This is from the March 19th balance patch... There was a stream from somewhere too talking about how unhealthy Darkrazor was for competitive modes too. But I agree that it seemed a little non-sensical compared to the other aoe spam. They obviously got their "metrics" from somewhere, and it most certainly wasn't from being super meta among the playerbase.

Oh, no, I know that's what they've said.
I just don't think it's ever actually been true outside of extremely inexperienced and unskilled players.
Which does actually make sense, that's probably exactly what happened, some dev got daze spammed because they just sat in it every time and never pressed anything, and it tilted them into outer space.

It's just such a weird thing, the visual clutter was infinitely worse from pretty much everything else in PoF and every expansion after that, and the counterplay was always to accidentally kill it with skill spam because they had like 3 health.
Alternatively you step away from the daze spam for half a second and then you instantly kill the Renegade after because it's using Kalla and that was its only "get off me" button. Or if you have any sort of interrupt or instant cast damage you kill it between dazes.

The rework to Kalla skills didn't actually do much ultimately, it wasn't until they changed Vindication that the spec gained any semblance of playability.

Band Together's been bugged for over 6 months now because of the rework. Will it change any time soon? Prolly not lol

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I think it's very funny to hear the remark about the fact that it interrupts several times. It's not as if certain professions had zones that gave blindly with several ticks. 
What's more, it's a zone and couldn't be placed everywhere, since renegat isn't considered a well.

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