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Wurm bait achievement porblem


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Which region do you play in? In Europe, there are daily TTW runs organized by several communities, in both English and German (and maybe other languages), with achievements explained by the commanders every time. OpenCommunity starts gathering for it at 9:20 PM CEST, and the actual event begins at 10pm if memory serves.

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I usually join Cobalt or Crimson, so my memories of Amber are really hazy, sorry. A quick Google suggests that some people have had issues with it over the years, so maybe, sadly, it's indeed buggy and you have to get lucky, as with the Tail Flail achievement on Tequatl. Try to join one of those community wurm-runs and ask your commander?

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I got the achievement the first time I tried it, so I'm surprised to hear that it's buggy.

If you can find a solid taxi on LFG, the commander will help with such things. I did Amber escort yesterday after finishing the dailies, and the commander put a marker down for the approximation of where the abomination was going to be. I didn't need it, but there were people in the squad who had never done Amber before, so it was helpful to them. I'm sure you'll be able to get the achievement in due time. :)

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Important note: This achievement is part of the ESCORT to the AMBER WURM and is not gained by killing the Wurm itself. Towards the end of the escort a Risen Abomination will spawn and walk forward before BLOWING ITSELF UP and leaving a WHITE AOE CIRCLE on the ground that YOU HAVE TO STEP INTO in order to get the achievement.

The white circle does not remain for long so it's easy to miss unless you are standing on top of the Risen Abomination when it explodes.

Very important note: Killing the Risen Abomination BEFORE IT EXPLODES ON ITS OWN will cause it to NOT leave the white AoE circle meaning you will not be able to get the achievement. You must LET IT EXPLODE on its own.

It took me forever to get it because there was always someone who killed it instead of letting it explode. My use of capitalization is meant only to emphasize the important parts. I am a member of TTS on NA which frequently runs Triple Trouble, as such I have all of the Triple Trouble achievements and am speaking from personal experience.

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