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Design-A-Weapon Contest: Ask your questions here

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Yeah, I submitted my weapon last night at about 3 pm PT (4 pm my time). I worked on it ALL day. I finished/cleaned up the lineart, added base colors and then did some basic shading since... honestly, this is my first REAL drawing (and I had to look up shading tutorials).

It all started with a mish-mash as a reference and then making my own sketch via pencil and sketch paper. I'm really grateful I have a scanner. XD

Good luck, everyone!

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@NefyFeiri.6328 said:I'm so excited to see everyone's designs! Hopefully we'll get to see all the entries somewhere as well, i'd really like to see all of them, not just the ones that make it to the final ^^

That would be perfect, yes. I have really high expectations for this contest. Haven't been this hyped in a while.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hi! There are so many good entries (we received more than 900 of them)! Thank you all for entering the contest! Somehow, I feel that it will be tough to do all of them justice as there were a lot of good concepts submitted: Narrowing down the selection to 20 finalists is not easy!

Hope you will like the final selection and find one in particular you want to give your vote to!

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@MakubeC.3026 said:OMG, 900?!?!I hope you do some Special Mentions from the ones you guys liked the most but didn't make it to the finalist.Another fun idea would be to upload all the entries so we can spend an entire afternoon browsing them in awe haha

I'd also like to see the Special Mentions if that will be possible... 900 entries is pretty serious, I can only imagine how hard it is to choose from such an amount.

Maybe we'll create a Reddit and/or Forum thread later where all participants could post their entries.

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@AegisRunestone.8672 said:I think the people who entered can upload their picture of their weapon after the contest is over. At least, that's what I got from the rules. I mean, you'd want to upload it without your personal info, account name, etc.

@Stéphanie Bourguet.5287 Is this correct? Because I assumed I could upload my entry (with all personal info, email, and account name removed) after the contest was over to say, my deviantArt page?

Edit: Hang on, the answer is on the first page of this thread:

@Stéphanie Bourguet.5287 said:

  • Is it allowed to post an uploaded weapon concept to other places, for example this forum or reddit, while potential winners are being selected (before the community gets to vote) as well as while the community is voting? I assumed that since you are planning to erase any additional information (weapon name, explanations, etc) from the concept, you want the people to vote on the design only. But advertising a concept on the forums would ruin that. After seeing some people posting their concepts I almost did it myself but decided to ask to be sure.

Posting a concept submitted for the contest publicly (anywhere) before the finalists are announced is not allowed by the rules. Once we announce the finalists, artists whose entries were not selected can share theirs. Finalists would have to wait for votes to end.

So, basically, once the contest ends, everyone is safe to post their concepts on reddit, deviantArt, etc. Though, if you didn't make the final 20, you can post it once the voting starts.

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@Iridium.6385 said:Maybe we'll create a Reddit and/or Forum thread later where all participants could post their entries.

That would be cool, but getting the artists of all 900 concepts to post their entries in a single thread is very unlikely. But i guess its our best shot since the team won't remove the personal info out of 900 pictures. A forum thread would be better. Maybe link it to reddit to grab some attention.

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Side Note:

it would be very nice of you Anet, if you could announce the beginjing of the Contest Voting here in the forums by makign up again nice a nice red eye cathcer announcement on the top of the forums, like you did that for avatars.That way it can't be overseen by anyone, once the moment has come, where we can start to vote for the twenty finalists ;)

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