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New player looking for advice on a solo play profession?

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Hello everyone!

I’m a brand new player coming from ESO looking for another MMORPG to get involved in. I’m looking for advice on what profession to main? I don’t really know much about that game so I’m looking for a profession that is decent in just about everything and I will be playing by myself for a little to experience the game. I’ve tried out all classes for a few levels but I’m not sure which to main? Any advice you can give would be very helpful, and I mean literally anything, I’m a huge noob haha. Thanks!

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Really depends on how you want to play. All professions have good solo options and largely, most do a pretty good job solo as well.

I'd suggest ranger though for being 1. easy to learn and use , 2. highly versatile with great support and damage options at end game PvE content, 3. having pretty decent weapon switch- ie the ability to hurt both at range and by melee.

But tbh, just go with the class you enjoy the most. The only ones i'd discourage are guardian for having no decent ranged weapon until lv80 + HoT (it HAS ranged weapons...they're just all terrible until you get dragonhunter/bow) - unless you don't like range anyway in which case that may not matter. Elementalist is also difficult to learn, perfectly viable, but hardest to learn. Necromancers right now will struggle in end game PvE group content too.

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@Lexi.1398 said:Really depends on how you want to play. All professions have good solo options and largely, most do a pretty good job solo as well.

I'd suggest ranger though for being 1. easy to learn and use , 2. highly versatile with great support and damage options at end game PvE content, 3. having pretty decent weapon switch- ie the ability to hurt both at range and by melee.

But tbh, just go with the class you enjoy the most. The only ones i'd discourage are guardian for having no decent ranged weapon until lv80 + HoT (it HAS ranged weapons...they're just all terrible until you get dragonhunter/bow) - unless you don't like range anyway in which case that may not matter. Elementalist is also difficult to learn, perfectly viable, but hardest to learn. Necromancers right now will struggle in end game PvE group content too.

Ok awesome, thanks for the advice!

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@"FalseTheory.5708" said:Hello everyone!

I’m a brand new player coming from ESO looking for another MMORPG to get involved in. I’m looking for advice on what profession to main? I don’t really know much about that game so I’m looking for a profession that is decent in just about everything and I will be playing by myself for a little to experience the game. I’ve tried out all classes for a few levels but I’m not sure which to main? Any advice you can give would be very helpful, and I mean literally anything, I’m a huge noob haha. Thanks!

Hi! Don't overthink it. We could tell you all of the reasons X class is good/bad for Y game mode, but you're too new to care about that anyway! Enjoy yourself and pick a class based upon what appeals to you. Here's a video of my current favorite class, Mirage (mesmer):

I love the way mirage is all about actively avoiding damage with evasion and teleports. In the video I'm fighting a fairly tough champion with purely offensive (Viper) gear and only my #6 skill for healing, but I'm able to avoid most of the damage and survive. I can do this sort of thing with other classes, but I love the unique feel of blinking around the battlefield and evading the hits that would have killed me! At least until I find my next favorite class of the moment! It could be anything!

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