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A lot of the heavy armour gear really looks terrible


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@Rennie.6750 said:a lot of the heavy armour gear clearly doesn't look like it received the same amount of work and refinement than most light/medium gear parts.

I'd rephrase that to:a lot of the armor clearly doesn't look as if it has received the same amount of work & refinement compared to other gear of the same value|acquisitionEven allowing for aesthetic preferences, there's still some gear that looks like it was done last, when the team ran out of time and rushed to finish it.

However, I think the amount of such gear is completely (ahem) dwarfed by gear with questionable design choices, such as the Flag of Surrender on Cavalier weapons (which is only slightly improved by the Guild Cavalier variation).

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Rennie.6750 said:Did anyone see the innovative "spikes" on the new heavy sets they posted on twitter? How creative!

.... link? Don't just tease us like that, man/manette!


And this is just a promo shot...


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