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knowing your range


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@Namless.4028 said:you can se when its in range.below your abilities there is a red bar when your target is not in range.

Yes, just with you LB you can hit target which are at 1700-1800 range if you hit skill 1 even you have red bar under the skill. We are the only class who can overpass the maximum range of our Longbow. That's why in a fights is better to press all the time skill no.1 even you see red bar, in time you will learn when you can hit the target, even red bar is on.

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@"Fluffball.8307" said:Shooting past your range is not exclusive to ranger. Any arcing projectile on any weapon or class will do it.

How come lb dragonhunter can't? Are they different from Ranger? Or arcing projectile type?

https://youtu.be/pl1pCVTRrQU start at 2:35 you'll see dragonhunter firing but arrow is far from connecting. Skill bar red on Ranger. Unless the skill fired is not 1200 range

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@AEFA.9035 said:How come lb dragonhunter can't? Are they different from Ranger? Or arcing projectile type?Like @Hepatolith.6389 said DH has 1200 range and Ranger 1500. Also some classes like warrior, thief and I think dragonhunter have a bigger arcing projectile then ranger. But when you have too higher arch on your projectile you will lose range. That's why only Ranger can shot with almost 200-300 range more than maximum range of the skill.In other way, those classes who have higher arcing projectile , they can shot over the edge of the wall and rangers can't, rangers can only if they use Barrage.There are many different mechanics in this game due to difference between weapons and classes.

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