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druid vs mirage how to fight?


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druid is supposed to win this match up right? can anyone please tell me what is the key and how to fight mirage as druid?for me the super fast condi burst and the fact that i need to retarget the pet each time makes this fight extremly hard .i thought the jacarnda aoe damage would solve the problem , but against really good mesmers it doesnt seems enough.

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Try trapper druid ^^...no I am not kidding xd, trapper druid build, max 2 traps ( fire/poison), possibly the second best match up for trapper build is mirage after s/d thief...the only way to dmg you is to melee you at all time : thief with infiltrator strike and mirage with jaunt/ambush; let them chase you through traps, their condi removal not that great...ha talking about wvw; in pvp a soulbeast with less dmg on condi with protection + axe OH and jacaranda, can prove to be a considerable challenge against most mirage, that I tried so far; if they try to hold the point, use dolyak shout , leader of the pack and bear stance

REMEMBER, the builds I am suggesting only work vs most mirages and average thieves, I'd say 70% of them as they really can't play mesmer and merely spam jaunt/ambush making them easy prey to cheese builds like trapper (not full trapper ) and on a side note : you can't effectively head rush a mirage, your best shot is to constantly dodge/LoS/stealth and sword/x + smokescale are a must

-The most common "combo" used by average mirage is stealth-jaunt-ambush, take note of the clones position and dodge through them not away from them, use sword 2 flipping the camera and LoS them as much as possible to make it hard for the clones to reach you-The confusion burst animation is that leap you see spammed rapidly, dodge that in opposite direction!-Jacaranda is not suggested to 1v1 a mirage, even if you use beastmastery with quickness swap, the mirage will simply distort through the aoe

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