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when in a party....


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Nope. If you are doing a heart with a friend, you basically have the following options to share progress:

  • reviving npcs: you revive it nearly completely, your friend comes by and does the final heal or 50:50, or any other ratio, just make sure you both do at least one tick
  • killing npcs: every person needs to touch/tag the npc and do a little damage. In lower level areas, this can be a huge problem with top-geared characters who which 1-shot certain mobs by accident.

Aside from that it is basically every man for himself. If one of you happens to finish earlier, which happens a lot, you can use the target-option (CTRL+T) to help your friend finding npcs/object faster. This feature lets a giant red bullseye appear on top of the object/npc and causes a pulsing red icon on the minimap.

Works the same for exp. And to crush the last illusion, if you buff/heal a person who hits something, you will not get any progress or exp. This is a great flaw and hopefully gets fixed one day.

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