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Thief pistols nerf


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@Elxdark.9702 said:Nothing is more fair than a pistol pistol thief. And I know. I know some people. Some people like to say that it is NOT fair. But let me tell you this, there is nothing more fair than a pistol pistol thief. There are people out there, bad people, that will tell you I am wrong. But pistol pistol thief is very fair and is the only class you can play that delivers clean kills. Clean cleeeean kills.

You're half right. It's unfair in terms of effort in, dps out, but it is fair because for every build it eats, there is a build that can eat it.

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Any thief spamming a skill has a built in "debuff" that being as INI burned all other weapon skills outside #1 become unusable. SPAM has a built in check. In many ways it like Zerker armor. You can use all your INI for offense and leave little for defense. This is why Doging or blocking an attack from a thief that uses skills outside their #1 has a greater overall negative effect on the thief than it does other professions. Unlike a set like d/p where significant damage can come from the AA if the thief burned off INI , P/x #1 is much less dangerous. As a further add to the effectiveness of a dodge versus p/p unload , the INI costs of the same go up for that thief. Again this being a penalty for unload spam which YOU as the target are in charge of.

Contrast with a RF ranger as example. After their RF goes on ICD they can switch off to #3 or use a much harder hitting #1 , or #4 or swap weapons to go into longsword using a number of hard hitting attacks meaning there far more deliberation into what you have to dodge and when you do dodge one attack , a number of other attacks can follow in short order .( let alone the pet attacks) all this while NOT sacrificing any defensive skills their weapons might have. By the time they cycle through all their attack skills on either weapon, RF ready to go again.


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