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I would like to pay you for the game Anet... but not for the expansion.


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Hello Anet,

I have had a really great time with your game for a long time.However, some of your more recent changes have negatively affected my enjoyment of your game.I agree that you need to be paid for the fine work you put into the game and I would be willing.That said I cannot pay money for what you have done to base power necro…

Still, I believe that we can come to an arrangement… I would be willing to pay $5.00 per skill for you to undo the following changes you have made that have resulted in specifically base power necro becoming unplayable.

  1. Removing Shroud 6 second cooldown. $5
  2. Adding ICD on Vampiric Presence. $5
  3. Every change you made to Lich Form. $25
  4. Allowing damage to health through the end of DS health pool $5
  5. Removing retaliation from axe 3. $1
  6. Removing the ability to take Enfeebling Blood on entering DS, from Curses while keeping SR, Spite and BM and lowering the uptime possible from Weakness. (I realize this might be a lot because of what has been done to the build diversity skill picking… but I am willing to negotiate a fair price here. $$$? )

Do not worry about enabling any of this for anyone else. It would be fine with me if you just reset my client back 2 years or so and let me play that version of base power necro.Please let me know how I may send you payment for these changes and when I should check my in-game mail to receive a playable version of base power necro.Thank you.

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@aDemoNnDisguisE.8576 said:Hello Anet,

I have had a really great time with your game for a long time.However, some of your more recent changes have negatively affected my enjoyment of your game.I agree that you need to be paid for the fine work you put into the game and I would be willing.That said I cannot pay money for what you have done to base power necro…

Still, I believe that we can come to an arrangement… I would be willing to pay $5.00 per skill for you to undo the following changes you have made that have resulted in specifically base power necro becoming unplayable.

  1. Removing Shroud 6 second cooldown. $5
  2. Adding ICD on Vampiric Presence. $5
  3. Every change you made to Lich Form. $25
  4. Allowing damage to health through the end of DS health pool $5
  5. Removing retaliation from axe 3. $1
  6. Removing the ability to take Enfeebling Blood on entering DS, from Curses while keeping SR, Spite and BM and lowering the uptime possible from Weakness. (I realize this might be a lot because of what has been done to the build diversity skill picking… but I am willing to negotiate a fair price here. $$$? )

Do not worry about enabling any of this for anyone else. It would be fine with me if you just reset my client back 2 years or so and let me play that version of base power necro.Please let me know how I may send you payment for these changes and when I should check my in-game mail to receive a playable version of base power necro.Thank you.

You'll need to scale your proposed payments by about x10,000 for anyone significant to even pay attention to these requests. That would put all your requests at aprox $410,000 total.Best of luck.

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