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I know people generally dislike this kind of posts, but I'm new ... so my apologies. TLDR included.

Just started playing a few days ago and I like the game so far (even tho I really have no idea what I'm doing - but that's the point I guess). Anyway, so far I tried most classes to 12-25ish. Loved my warrior (lvl 25) until I tried Revenant (still low level but I love it).

I'm pretty casual ex-WoW player, but I'm going to slowly level ALL classes to max - that's pretty much all I'm planning to do. However bags aren't cheap and I hate stopping every 10 minutes for 5 mins just to get rid of stuff/post on AH etc... So I decided to use my 80 boost to make one max level that (HOPEFULLY) can support all my other chars with some gold.

I did the trial zone with every class except engineer and mesmer(?) and narrowed my choice to 3 classes:

Warrior, Revenant and Ranger.

I'd go with WARRIOR right now, because I'm bad, bad, lazy player and OH MY GOD I can just stay there, take it in my face and my HP barely moves. BUT already have level 25 -- so I don't want to "spoil" it and will just keep leveling the right way. So that would be my last choice.

REVENANT - love the dps, but also taking much more damage than warrior (I died 3 times when jumped by multiple mobs). I would love to play more DOT/debuff focused melee version while able to take some serious damage (unlike mage and warlock).

RANGER - so I'm torn between ranger and revenant. This one is much easier to play (at least for me). Nice dps, can avoid a lot of incoming damage, run when needed... And plays a lot like wow hunter.

As I said the main focus of this char would be farming from time to time to get some gold for bags and other stuff. I have no idea where and what to farm yet, so I need some help choosing the right class for that. Thank you.

TLDR:Newbie, casual PvE player. Want to level all classes to 80, but need bags and stuff. Decided to boost one char to 80 for some occasional farming. What would be the best class for that: Ranger, Revenant or Warrior? Any other tips would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Ranger or Warrior. Revenant is the worst class in the game, and has some serious fundamental flaws, so I can't recommend it for anything. I have all classes at 80 except that one, because I can't stand playing it. Can play anything else except that one.

Of the remaining two, I'd say ranger for what you're wanting. It and Necro are considered the best Open World classes in the game, if for no other reason than pets.

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Ranger is a good choice for farming because you can tag things easily in a zerg with your longbow (extreme long range). Go full on glass cannon with no defense in every situation.

However if you do map competition or generally just play the character, consider learning it better and using the melee weapons. Hiding behind your pet tagging things will make you a bad player, and getting into the thick of it with a sword will teach you GW2 in all modes. GW2 is about dodging while doing damage.

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Do you know you can deposit crafting materials from your bags into your bank's material storage instantly, from anywhere?

Click the little cog icon in the top right corner of the inventory menu and click 'Deposit All Materials'. That will usually clear a lot of stuff from your inventory. If you carry a salvage kit to break down items that can't be sold on the Trading Post you'll clear even more. It still takes a little bit of time but less than going back to town or even finding a merchant to sell stuff to. If you want gold you can sell the crafting materials, but it might be worth keeping some in case you want to level crafting.

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