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Dungeons in 2017


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@zephyrus.3476 said:they had the chance to rename their folders, they still lumped in "dungeons" with fractals and raids in the same sub-forum. Does this mean that ANET still views dungeons as important content in the game?

I would like to clarify what happened. ANET did remove dungeons from this section of forums back in the days when they restructured old forums (removing or restructuring forum subs) and put dungeons back here only after players asked for it. I think they are aware people would react if they removed it again so here it is on new forums.

As for content itself, I played some paths last two weeks and while I like how smooth they went with my group, I'm well aware we won't see new dungeons. I think it's time to all of us dungeon lovers to accept reality.

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If Anet want people to play dungeons again they should either nerf the fractal farm that way people will go back to dungeons to earn their gold (but in the current state of the game it is faster and easier to farm fractal lvl 40) or they could also buff the gold reward in dungeons to where it is equivalent to the fractal lvl 40 farm. I believe the second option would be healthier to the game because then the player can decide if you want to farm fractal or do dungeons which would create a diversity of game play for the PvE scene.

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They should either update the dungeons and fix some of the problems that they have. Or at least remove all the emails that new players get pointing them to do dungeons. There is nothing similar about fractals but dungeons are advertised a lot to new players. It makes no sense to advertise dead/broken parts of the game instead of the active and updated parts. Out of those two options I prefer them to fix the dungeons, but if they don't want to do that then at least the second option would also be fine.

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They need mid tier content currently fractals really are too short and lack story.

Either create a mega fractal or mega dungeon system.

Why not make a mega fractal that's longer has changing paths random boss spawns even rare spawning bosses.Has hidden jumping puzzles and hidden bosses. Different levels of depth but something that groups can enter and just explore. A set path would exist but it would change each time you enter not sure if gw2 technology could create a evolving system or not. .

Parts could require gliding, ley line gliding, mushrooms ,new mount mechanics to enter hidden areas and achievments .

Anet could also just keep adding onto it creating fresh exploration for the player.It would be like champ runs but much harder and longer players could come and go as they like.

Each area gets harder as you go obviously it could have a super hard legendary spawn after all bosses inside are defeated.

First level could be like desert sandstorms then pass into lush oasis and head into a whirlpool find a hidden Asura cave filled with experiments gone wrong that leads down into lava flows as you go down in depth part of Bathazars fortress in the underworld.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Orry.1297 said:I would really like it if the dungeon explorable modes were revisited to be more of a 5-person raid experience, which is more like what they were originally stated they were supposed to be. Unfortunately this would take a large amount of time and effort to do in a satisfactory way so it is unlikely this will happen. Additionally I would like to see the story modes of the dungeons be slightly more accessible, but only because they are tied into the story of the base game quite heavily with Destiny's Edge.

At most the boss AI needs tweaking with a few staple changes to health bars and outgoing damage. The foundation is already there, it's just difficultly that needs an overhaul.

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Nothing they ever said is caved in stone. And don't forget, the statement that they won't do anything with dungeons is like 5-2.5 years old... The same was said about mounts and here they are. But realistically, we only can expect more fractals, I fear. Dungeons were always the content I liked most in new expansions. They gave flavour and usually were easy and fun to play with others.

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@ProtoGunner.4953 said:Dungeons were always the content I liked most in new expansions. They gave flavour and usually were easy and fun to play with others.

And unlike fractals they can sell them with the expansion without a possible outrage. Scrapping an easy source of sellable daily repeatable content and then trying to push that role on to fractals is weirdest decision they made so far.

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