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PVP question of engi


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So i fought a engineer and i lost hardcore, and i was wondering:

What is that thing you guys leave on the floor? i ended up with multiple stacks of condis and i was getting really badly hurt.There was this engi who was strafing leaving puddles of something with red outlier on the floor.

Also:What are condi engis weak vs?

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Those Red outliers are Minefields, a trait from the explosives traitlines, whenever the Engineer makes a dodge, he will leave a trail of 3 mines on the floor.

Condi Engi is weak against Necro corruptors, let the engi make his burst, send him back his conditions, and you got him, a good condi engi though will attempt to enter elixir s before that happens, so be quick with the transfer.

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@Axl.8924 said:So i fought a engineer and i lost hardcore, and i was wondering:

What is that thing you guys leave on the floor? i ended up with multiple stacks of condis and i was getting really badly hurt.There was this engi who was strafing leaving puddles of something with red outlier on the floor.

Also:What are condi engis weak vs?

As @"ukuni.8745" pointed out, it was probably mines, but may have been something else. If you were fighting a condi engi, it might have been the Streamlined Kit effect of Mortar Kit, which places a puddle of gunk that does random conditions, and is extremely dangerous to people who don't know what it is.

Condi engis are extremely weak to necros with plague signet and most condi classes (IE condi thief). Engineer doesn't have a lot of natural cleansing, which makes it really vulnerable to other condi classes or the plague signet transfer.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@Axl.8924 said:So i fought a engineer and i lost hardcore, and i was wondering:

What is that thing you guys leave on the floor? i ended up with multiple stacks of condis and i was getting really badly hurt.There was this engi who was strafing leaving puddles of something with red outlier on the floor.

Also:What are condi engis weak vs?

As @"ukuni.8745" pointed out, it was probably mines, but may have been something else. If you were fighting a condi engi, it might have been the Streamlined Kit effect of Mortar Kit, which places a
that does random conditions, and is extremely dangerous to people who don't know what it is.

Condi engis are extremely weak to necros with plague signet and most condi classes (IE condi thief). Engineer doesn't have a lot of natural cleansing, which makes it really vulnerable to other condi classes or the plague signet transfer.

I don't remember if it was a clear floor or if there was something in hte circle, just remember circles on floor and a engi there so i was making a guess that he put traps there to get me and did a good job.Next time i get into a fight with a engi i'l record.

Thing is:On the battlefield things hapen really fast and you can easily miss it or mistaken something because so much is happening at once.You might make a wrong guess that 1 class is there or it can be another.That sort of erroneous guessing can lead to missreadings of stuff and bad strategies.If i show a video though and you see the whole thing, then you can see exactly what i did wrong.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:So i fought a engineer and i lost hardcore, and i was wondering:

What is that thing you guys leave on the floor? i ended up with multiple stacks of condis and i was getting really badly hurt.There was this engi who was strafing leaving puddles of something with red outlier on the floor.

Also:What are condi engis weak vs?

As @"ukuni.8745" pointed out, it was probably mines, but may have been something else. If you were fighting a condi engi, it might have been the Streamlined Kit effect of Mortar Kit, which places a
that does random conditions, and is extremely dangerous to people who don't know what it is.

Condi engis are extremely weak to necros with plague signet and most condi classes (IE condi thief). Engineer doesn't have a lot of natural cleansing, which makes it really vulnerable to other condi classes or the plague signet transfer.

I don't remember if it was a clear floor or if there was something in hte circle, just remember circles on floor and a engi there so i was making a guess that he put traps there to get me and did a good job.Next time i get into a fight with a engi i'l record.

If there were lots of little circles, it was definitely mines. If it was one large circle, it may have been drop gunk.

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It was multiple circles.Maybe i got hit with condi by someone else while fighting the engi, there was someone else nearby who came while i was fighting engi, it wasn't completely alone.Don't know maybe it was mines and i got hit by someone.

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