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Why is core necro so bad?!?


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@"Dadnir.5038" said:

You got a point, however, the issue when they released the skill was the ability to keep your foes close to you not to make it flee from you. Later we got reaper which they focused on chill also for that very reason and now we got scourge on which they added large amount of cripple for this same reason again. All those things have been introduce in order to give the necromancer an ability to limit the movement of their foes so that anet don't have to give movement to the necromancer.

The necromancer don't chase it's foes, it force them to stay close to him. The necromancer don't try to be at the same level as other, he force other to stand on equal ground with him and even enjoy to reduce them to uselessness so that he can step on them.

The purpose of the skill is not damage but limiting movement and immobilize do that way better than fear. Nobody deny the fact that torment deal more damage on moving foe, it's just that it's not the purpose of the skill to make torment deal more damage, the purpose of the skill is to keep your foe close to you so that you can hug them very tightly with whatever damage skill you'd like to make it taste.

Times change and and this point people can zip in and out regardless of a single immobilize some a little more QoL would be nice even still. Back when the skill was added it was not so common for people to zip in or out as quickly. Necro just had a hard time keeping them close for the confirm finish though these days you often want to make space and avoid the rush down more so than keep them close unless the foe is mostly a ranged spec.

Also remember that at that time, terror builds were a thing and dhuumfire was added to make things even warmer between the necromancer and it's foes.

oh my god that pun ;) to be honest i still love terror builds terror is one of the funnest core specs imo the fact that fear can be a unique condition that deals damage while providing instant ramp up if your foe fails to break it or cant break it. The uniqueness of things like that is also one of the reasons i like reapers original deathly chill over the current version.

NB.: Most of the necromancer's tools are design flaw anyway, the necromancer is only a living thematic with close to no good designs. To be honest, I'm pretty sure that if they had to change it so that it's not "bad design", they would chose to replace the torment by bleed instead of changing immobilize into fear. The core necromancer would again be on the short end of the trade and there would be probably few complaints about it, or at least it would be drowned into the see of complaints.

hmmm fair points to some degree but necro did actually have some good designs most of them just get removed or culled or left behind and out matched by other professions progress over time but in todays golden age of kite to survive fear would be much better.

Imo fear is either not plentiful enough on necro or its slightly too weak as its only cc option too easily ignored or removed by far too many options in the game across all professions except like rev because they have no clear but can still get out with lucky weapon swaps or legend swaps etc. Unlike taunt it wont break target which it should it would be a nice easy bonus feature that wont change durations, and cds while increasing its effectiveness in some situations.

The number of times taunt screweds me when suddenly forcing target change.

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@Drarnor Kunoram.5180 said:Core Shroud needs 4 changes:

  1. Shorter cast time on Life Blast
  2. Shorter cooldown on Life Transfer
  3. Shorter cooldown on Tainted Shackles
  4. Stability somewhere in the kit.

More is certainly arguable, but these four are absolute musts to bring Core Shroud up to par.

Why would it be in the interests of the company to bring it up to par? They have expansions to sell!

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