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What is Revenant supposed to do in PvP?


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@"messiah.1908" said:

nice vid and i am happy you took the time and put it up

some notes for me as i try to compare hammer to SByou hardly hit phase smash. mostly it hits on the down and when 2 necro once stood on point.phase smash had a nice hit on necro when he was out of endurance and just walk backward at the end of the fight. you hit 7k.drop the hammer again hardly to never hits only on the down

Did the maths:

Skill / times casted / times landed*/ times failed / accuracy / top damage crit**

Coalescence of Ruin 34 25/9 73,5% 8200 (most of them in the 4500 to 6500 yield)Phase Smash 37 24/13 64,8% 7300 (most of them in the 5000 to 6200 yield)Drop the Hammer 14 7/7 50,0% 5800 (consistently providing 5k+ per hit)Elemental Blast 21 16/5 76,1% 2300 (against downed target, typical crit in the 1800-2000 damage range x tick)Chaotic Release 5 4/1 80,0% 5000 (against downed target, typically 3500-3900)

Top crit with hammer autoattack: 3200 (4300 up to against a downed Weaver)Top amount in a single Unrelenting Assault combo : 8500 (12000 against a downed Scourge)

(*) In at least one target(**) Including hits in downed

Match duration: 11'45"Total damage: 672kTotal healing: 181kRevives: 2K/D: 18/0

Some considerations:

I don't use Incensed Response so most of the time I float around 12 stacks of might when I fight alone, but don't have problems to top 25 in team fights.I use Phase Smash as an active dfense as much as an ofensive tool, specially when fighting against foes with so many AoE skills. In that sense I oftenly spam the skill as soon as is out of cooldown. Still, I had almos a 65% success nailing it in that match. Is not only about the damage and evasion but also due the chill effect: I try to secure chills with Phase Smash, Precission Strike and Frigid Blitz as much as I can. In the fights against the Weaver, when was chasing me with my heal on cooldown, the use of PS, AU, evades and Riposting Shadows helped me inmensely to gain time to secure the heal (and I was able to put him around 23% HP while just trying to survive).

My accuracy with Drop the Hammer is just 50%, but a lot of times I'm mostly trying to force targets to spent evades or skills to land further attacks as CoR or hammer bolts. And yes, I do retreat and concede the control point vs Scourges: I can't tank them on point, but I can down them at range (even in 1 vs 2) if they refuse to take advantage of the landscape to cover. But this was gold tier 1, won't work that well at higher ranks or in smaller maps.

My accuracy with CoR was brutal: almost 74% with a skill which at long range will do 5-6k damage consistently (and 8k+ to downeds) is huge. Of course the 670k damage was possible due enemies were mostly static and lack mobility. Kalla and the short bow from Renegade do hit at 900 units of max range and just lack defensive tools; shades and wells would have destroyed me at tip range if I replace the hammer for the short bow. Also, Glint provided me with a 75-80% hit chance with Elemental Blast and Chaotic Release, which is huge.

I think that the main mistake the enemy team did was to put their Thief to kill our Scourges; He and the Weaver did a good work decaping our home, but they let me to freely pressure their Scourges. Anyway, was a very narrow match.



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Ok, ~15 fights later, uploaded a couple new ones:

This is with the "tanky" build using the Avatar amulet with staff + sword + shield; chose that build because the Sky Hammer is a bad map to run a hammer and the enemy team lacked Scourges. I made a couple of gruesome mistakes in the first five minutes (eating too much condi damage) but then I had success keeping middle decaped and contesting the sides. I like specially the last 100 seconds, in which I decaped far fighting against a Mesmer, which wasn't able to either kill me or recap the point (even landing the Moa on me). At that time we barely had 21 points of advantage, but managed to freeze their score at 374 :).

This was a defeat, but I enjoyed it: was one of the first matches I wield hammer + double sword. The team mates weren't happy with our composition (requested a swap) but I refused. Still, we did well half of the match, with a very narrow score until minute eight and both sides playing agressively from the start and conquering far at the begining. Sadly despite downing their Scourge a bunch of times their support in form of Druid and Guardian was near perfect and our performance was gradually eroded under the imposibility of finishing our foes. I missed the staff against that sticky Warrior but I guess that withour the hammed wouldn't be able to score ~700k damage over the match.

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use this for bunkering

lots of evades with energy sigil, vigor, 25% endurance back, hammer evade and staff evadeblock with staff, and hammer and trait dome.stability to stand on point and support your warbands with jallisreduce conditions dmg up to 90% for couple of seconds but usually 60%- 80%. just needs to save nrg smartly.good dmg buff for team on point and support them with heal and stability and reduce dmg aoe.

if the point aint yours dont fight on it cause you cant decap it but if it yours you can hold it (or should)

shiro is also useable instead of kalla. more vigor and evades and endurance and speed.


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@"Buran.3796" said:Ok, ~15 fights later, uploaded a couple new ones:

This is with the "tanky" build using the Avatar amulet with staff + sword + shield; chose that build because the Sky Hammer is a bad map to run a hammer and the enemy team lacked Scourges. I made a couple of gruesome mistakes in the first five minutes (eating too much condi damage) but then I had success keeping middle decaped and contesting the sides. I like specially the last 100 seconds, in which I decaped far fighting against a Mesmer, which wasn't able to either kill me or recap the point (even landing the Moa on me). At that time we barely had 21 points of advantage, but managed to freeze their score at 374 :).

tanky its not. yeap you had mistakes with ranger traps. few tips of mine. try to use sword evade on him while his trap active follow by evade staff 5. as you want to delay his cap at the beginning. dont spam attacks as ele had stability and usually standing on point so just use shiro and have fun AA sword. and never kill enemy when he's off point. just put an eye on him, if he try to selfres. more time to play 5v4. also you could cap a point while doing so.

This was a defeat, but I enjoyed it: was one of the first matches I wield hammer + double sword. The team mates weren't happy with our composition (requested a swap) but I refused. Still, we did well half of the match, with a very narrow score until minute eight and both sides playing agressively from the start and conquering far at the begining. Sadly despite downing their Scourge a bunch of times their support in form of Druid and Guardian was near perfect and our performance was gradually eroded under the imposibility of finishing our foes. I missed the staff against that sticky Warrior but I guess that withour the hammed wouldn't be able to score ~700k damage over the match.

they were too tanky for your team with no burst dmg . you should roll a thief decap. also i notice when you play mid your team had the upper hand while playing close your team lost.

keep them coming man . you will make me back to play this season maybe... :D

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