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Renegade is literally just a damage boost to Condi Revenant


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@Kidel.2057 said:Kalla skills are complete trash. Even on condi build they lower the DPS compared to (any legend)+F3 and swap to Mallyx, meaning you'll always use another legend instead of Kalla even on condi builds.Even if the summons are nice on paper, you need to factor the energy cost, the cast time and the fact that people can kill/cc them and you can't move away from them (as well as the enemy). Even on condi builds I'll always prefer Shiro or Jalis with Mallyx. They offer more utility and no dps drop thanks to F3.

Solo sure--but no way would Jalis give higher group DPS than Kalla. Like, even in you got 50'ish stacks of torment from your hammers due to an insane, insane, insane RNG streak, Soulcleave's leech damage ontop of the Razorclaw Bleeds from your sub would be more... And it doesn't rely on RNG at all.

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@Klowdy.3126 said:It is just a damage boost for now. They have regular balancings in this game, things are going to change. I'm pretty sure their idea for our espec was to further extend the "Jack of all trades" playstyle that is the rev.

Beta tests are never good enough for balancing, because they don't get every kind of player to participate, so they don't see all weaknesses. Their choices were release the game and make changes later, or hold up the expansion for further testing with the same group.

Define "regular". A.net moves at the speed of a glacier when it comes to actually balancing things.

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@haventr.1630 said:Renegade is literally just a damage boost to Condi Revenant

Which is exactly what it needed. Revenant has condi melee weapons, a condi traitline, 1 condi-ish legend and literally no viable build outside of a sub-par half-build that does mediocre damage, with no weapon swap and no real usable utilities. Granted, Renegade doesn't do much for condi damage on the main utility skills, but it does bring a much needed ranged condi weapon and a better traitline to actually make a condi build with.

It's less a new elite specialization, and more of a "whoops we forgot to build half of this class, better finish it!" specialization.

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@RabbitUp.8294 said:

@Joxer.6024 said:"Renegade is literally just a damage boost to Condi Revenant"Is this a bad thing?

Well, elite specs were supposed to introduce new playstyles and mechanics, not be a damage boost over existing builds.

This is true and the even sadder part is that Herald is better to buff condi revenant because the boon duration increase helps resistance upkeep. Without resistance, condi rev is pretty much useless. Trading 33% more resistance duration for a ranged condi weapon is not worth it in PvP when you have Shiro and condi rev won't be usefull in PvE until they make torment viable against immobile targets.

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@Hooglese.4860 said:

@RabbitUp.8294 said:

@Joxer.6024 said:"Renegade is literally just a damage boost to Condi Revenant"Is this a bad thing?

Well, elite specs were supposed to introduce new playstyles and mechanics, not be a damage boost over existing builds.

This is true and the even sadder part is that Herald is better to buff condi revenant because the boon duration increase helps resistance upkeep. Without resistance, condi rev is pretty much useless. Trading 33% more resistance duration for a ranged condi weapon is not worth it in PvP when you have Shiro and condi rev won't be usefull in PvE until they make torment viable against immobile targets.

I think you are confused. The condi update a while back buffed torment so it ticks for the same damage as bleeding when targets isnt moving.

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