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Weapon disappeared after switching in PvP

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Hey.Something pretty weird just happened to me.I was trying to play some PvP but noticed that I wasn't able to use my dagger on my ranger as a main hand weapon because I wasn't skilled for soulbeast. After switching weapons to greatsword I noticed that both my dagger and my off hand axe disappeared from my inventory.

Is this a known issue?

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Are you sure they disappeared? Is it not possible that they ended up in some unexpected spot in your inventory? Try using the search filter for "dagger" and "axe" to see what shows up.

I've certainly experienced the "can't use a weapon" mechanic due to specialization differences between PvE & PvP & WvW, but I've never had any problem with weapons going missing.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Are you sure they disappeared? Is it not possible that they ended up in some unexpected spot in your inventory? Try using the search filter for "dagger" and "axe" to see what shows up.

I've certainly experienced the "can't use a weapon" mechanic due to specialization differences between PvE & PvP & WvW, but I've never had any problem with weapons going missing.

No they're definitely gone. I checked my inventory, my bank, and I even searched for the items on gw2efficiency, without any results.

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I tried to replicate the scenario.

  • In PvP, I made sure Soulbeast was not spec'd.
  • In PvE, with SB spec'd, I equipped dagger/axe.
  • I entered a PvP arena, saw the 'missing' dagger, and swapped to GS for that weapon set (without unequipping first)
  • End result: axe & dagger were in inventory, sorted appropriately for the bag types I was using.

This doesn't mean you didn't encounter a bug; it just means whatever is going on isn't as simple as described.

PS when you open a support ticket, do mention that you used GW2/E to search for your gear; that will be useful to them. Include the search parameter you used, e.g. keyword: axe or filtered on ascended gear

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