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Match needs to end if a player has not connected by time the match starts

Crab Fear.1624

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Match needs to end if a player has not connected by time the match starts.

If the match begins with a 4 v 5... 3 v 5..whatever, an uneven match then the match should end immediately with neither team getting rewarded or punished.

If someone leaves or dc during a match, the winning team should not get full points, as it was not "earned".

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@TheMaverick.6104 said:Already see the the tendency of when there is a dc, you dont get full Points. If its a ranked game, you dont lose rating either. If you are on the outnumbered team, take it as training.

naw, waste of time. 15 minute is 1/4 hour. how long should i be logged in?

That's totally up to you, noone is forcing you to log in at all. :)

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