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About Forced engagement.


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So i have been using this on players w/o stability and they dont get taunted, it is my impression of this is one of the most useless skills in the game???

Could this skill be changed to somethign more usefull and with more in theme with the Dwarf, what would be, what could improve Jalis stance?

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There is about a dozen counters to the skill being a cc and condi based.

Throw a chain 1200 range, linking you to target foe causing forced engagement (5sec duration). If target foe is facing you they take no damage. If not facing you they take 350(.7) damage each second. If target leaves 1500 range the chain is broken and the foe takes massive damage 900(2).

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Interesting, should that caster receive arround 20%. less damage from the linked/chained target as well?The current non efect taunt is priceless 2 sec.. :\ for 10energy ... those 5 sec would actually be nice and pair with jalis effects and their duration.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:Interesting, should that caster receive arround 20%. less damage from the linked/chained target as well?The current non efect taunt is priceless 2 sec.. :\ for 10energy ... those 5 sec would actually be nice and pair with jalis effects and their duration.

I think the -20% damage would be punitive to the concept of forcing engagement and also would overlap with the role of vengeful hammers. Perhaps the foe could deal -20% damage to everyone but yourself?

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@Justine.6351, good point :\, but then vengfull hammer could receive another energy consuming boost? or Rev could have a new +1 pip rune eheheh.(1)Or chainned target would do -20% damage to every one except on the caster forcing it to use veg hammer or having support, i liked that as well, it promotes teamplay.

(1)Cause if FE got buffed i would imagine Anet would also improve the energy cost.

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