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More Condi in WvW


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Main problem with condi: There is no limit on how many condis you can have, but there IS a limit on howmany condi you can REMOVE, which is usually 2/3 on skills with 20s CD~ while condi skills barely have CD .... So the problem is not the power of condi (so it wont nerf condi classes on pve) but the Condi cleanses.

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Conditions have taken over the game and it sucks. Conditions here, conditions there, conditions fracking everywhere.I don't understand why a- net has painted themselves into this corner. Now your either gonna have to continue with the op condi meta that a lot of people are tired of or completely piss a lot of people off who like the op condi meta.If there is one thing I have learned from playing games for all these years is there is no middle ground. Which sounds completely ret arded I know. But I'm really tired of this meta

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@Frostwolve.2916 said:Conditions have taken over the game and it sucks. Conditions here, conditions there, conditions fracking everywhere.I don't understand why a- net has painted themselves into this corner. Now your either gonna have to continue with the op condi meta that a lot of people are tired of or completely kitten a lot of people off who like the op condi meta.If there is one thing I have learned from playing games for all these years is there is no middle ground. Which sounds completely ret arded I know. But I'm really tired of this meta

I barely find myself playing GW2 these days. To put it quite simply. Condi META is the most boring META in GW2. It seems like ANet just refuse to balance it out. I respect their choice to have OP boring Condi META in full swing. But my GW2 average playtime suffers heavily from it.

I'm pretty sure I spend more of my time these days. On the GW2 forums then in the game itself. Though I have to say these days, the forums are more entertaining then the game itself. LEL

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Yeah I agree, I get it was the same back then (DPS made necroes rather nerfed and unusable in any matchup, which made others respond like Reaper Alim) But the way condi is set up, it is basically huge amount of damage and huge amount of HP...........Again, if it was somewhat balanced, like with thief zerker "Power house very low glass cannon hp, or high HP no dmg", then it would be fine........But the way it is set up right now, there really is no differentiating

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