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Longer lasting fields, core ele suggestion


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How would adding longer duration to pAoE or fields on ele base off of its concentration from the arcain line (build in not a GM so +180 concentration and x concentration adds 1 sec to all fields duration) giving core ele more power and a roll to play. It would still be usable on weaver and tempest but you will need to give up 2 lines to pull it off then keeping its stronger on a core ele then say a tempest who would only get support effects out of it and weaver who would only get dmg effects out of it.

I have no ideal how much concentration would add up to duration to make sure its not an op effect but it seems core ele is lacking a real roll any more and fields are a balance roll filling both support and dmg as used.

I would say remove longer fire fields from the fire line if this is added and add in another burning effect to the fire line GM.

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Ele is already packed with tons of fields, so there's no point in buffing them. On top of that both dps weaver and support tempest use arcane traits so you're not giving up on anything.

Not to mention that most of those fields are on staff, which is already the strongest weapon on ele.

If ele needs buff on something thats melee combat and earth spec/skills.

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@steki.1478 said:Ele is already packed with tons of fields, so there's no point in buffing them. On top of that both dps weaver and support tempest use arcane traits so you're not giving up on anything.

Not to mention that most of those fields are on staff, which is already the strongest weapon on ele.

If ele needs buff on something thats melee combat and earth spec/skills.

I am not talking about adding fields i am talking about making them last longer much like fire field only (that dose not really fit a dmg aimed line but fits a balanced line of arcain far more). You give up fire line or air line when it comes to weaver dmg and you give up earth line or water line for tempest when it comes to support.

Fields have fallen behind burst effects by far and by pushing longer duration by a few sec 1-3 your going to make them more usable then just simply spaming burst effects from other classes.

If you buff an atument line your going to also buff weaver or tempest a lot by looking into arcain line your going to limited the amount you buff tempest and weaver but at the same time add a lot to the core ele.

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@Jski.6180 said:

I am not talking about adding fields i am talking about making them last longer much like fire field only (that dose not really fit a dmg aimed line but fits a balanced line of arcain far more). You give up fire line or air line when it comes to weaver dmg and you give up earth line or water line for tempest when it comes to support.

Fields have fallen behind burst effects by far and by pushing longer duration by a few sec 1-3 your going to make them more usable then just simply spaming burst effects from other classes.

If you buff an atument line your going to also buff weaver or tempest a lot by looking into arcain line your going to limited the amount you buff tempest and weaver but at the same time add a lot to the core ele.

Dps builds use fire and arcane (air can be better than arcane in wvw sometimes, but field duration is just useless there), support (on staff) use water and arcane. You even get additional geyser with arcane for support build, which is another aoe to ele's collection. Earth spec is just useful on tempest in pvp/wvw, but since tempest is lackluster in those modes, there's no point of even playing that build when you can spam water fields on staff and get more utility from arcane spec.

The longer field buff would add nothing to ele, there's already fire trait that improves duration so another one would be pointless. Additional geyser from arcane acts basically as longer water fields. Ice and lightning fields are pointless anyways, so duration wouldnt change anything. It would just be another useless trait, which ele certainly doesnt need.

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@steki.1478 said:

I am not talking about adding fields i am talking about making them last longer much like fire field only (that dose not really fit a dmg aimed line but fits a balanced line of arcain far more). You give up fire line or air line when it comes to weaver dmg and you give up earth line or water line for tempest when it comes to support.

Fields have fallen behind burst effects by far and by pushing longer duration by a few sec 1-3 your going to make them more usable then just simply spaming burst effects from other classes.

If you buff an atument line your going to also buff weaver or tempest a lot by looking into arcain line your going to limited the amount you buff tempest and weaver but at the same time add a lot to the core ele.

Dps builds use fire and arcane (air can be better than arcane in wvw sometimes, but field duration is just useless there), support (on staff) use water and arcane. You even get additional geyser with arcane for support build, which is another aoe to ele's collection. Earth spec is just useful on tempest in pvp/wvw, but since tempest is lackluster in those modes, there's no point of even playing that build when you can spam water fields on staff and get more utility from arcane spec.

The longer field buff would add nothing to ele, there's already fire trait that improves duration so another one would be pointless. Additional geyser from arcane acts basically as longer water fields. Ice and lightning fields are pointless anyways, so duration wouldnt change anything. It would just be another useless trait, which ele certainly doesnt need.

I am talking about removing the fire line one for a dmg aimed effect but adding in a longer fields for arcain line.

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