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No way to counter streak system ?


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last matches I won like 11/10 matches and today, after a longer wait, I'm already at 4 loses, each time some players of my team getting destroyed in fights by other team.

Is there no way to counter this guaranted lose streak after we won too many matches in a row ? Like palying another class, switching in ranked/unranked or doing hours of pve ?

I would just like to go 50/50 like in normal situation, not having a system that consider that I'm a overgoddly player who can carry some very bad players.

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@Delweyn.1309 said:Is there no way to counter this guaranted lose streak after we won too many matches in a row ? Like palying another class, switching in ranked/unranked or doing hours of pve ?

It doesn't matter what you do to counter lose streaks. Whether you play in unranked or ranked off season, you won't be playing with good players most of the time. During ranked PvP season I tend to have less awful teams at least on higher ranks.

I've had many games that no matter what profession I played, whether it's engineer, elementalist, guardian, thief, warrior, it didn't change a thing and was on a lose streak. Bad teams are bad teams and there's nothing you can do about it. The best you can do to win games is to not trash talk teammates. Either that or take a break from the game to prevent lose streaks.

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@"Delweyn.1309" said:last matches I won like 11/10 matches and today, after a longer wait, I'm already at 4 loses, each time some players of my team getting destroyed in fights by other team.

Is there no way to counter this guaranted lose streak after we won too many matches in a row ? Like palying another class, switching in ranked/unranked or doing hours of pve ?

If you repeatedly win matches, especially if you were expected to lose them, your MMR will go up because the game thinks "hey, you got better, have harder opponents".

If that assumption is wrong, you will lose until your MMR drops back down to better match your skill level.

So, there is no "streak" other than luck of the draw and/or MMR changes putting you against strong opponents after you did good.

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