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Balance Patch/ Xpac soon?


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@Blackdagger.9670 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Eleazar.9478 said:Ya they idk the balance team is super inconsistent in philosophy and updates. One day they'll stay and do one thing and then the next do another. Break something(usually) and sometimes it literally takes half a year for them to fix it. Idk what the hell they're doing but they need to be more efficient and flexible.

NEVER FORGETWhen I suggested maybe it's time for Anet to hire new pvp designers, forum moderators DELETED my comment and banned me from forums(for a while)

For what? For I used my right to express my thought? Where is the freedom of speech???

It depends on the country you live in. For example, this is not public place. This is Anet private playground and they can restrict your posts here however they like with no consequences.

Freedom of speech is not something that may change from country to country.

Yes it is. Human rights are noble, yet naive beliefs but they are weaker than tanks.

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@zoopop.5630 said:

@zoopop.5630 said:to be fair.....everything is fairly good at the moment besides 1-2 class getting some tweaks from where they are at the moment. Everything else is in a kitten good spot overall imo.

Besides the Mirage cry for a heavy nerf which isn't really needed I think everything else is in a good place in terms of "balance".

No.Just No.Incorrect.Wrong with absolutely no hint of rightness.

ah ok? I guess having a different set of opinions doesn't matter lawl.

Not when they are utterly blind to the glaring issues the game mode has.

no.Just No.Incorrect.and absolutely not If you honestly think the imbalance is that big of an issue why are you still sticking around? The meta has shifted toward Power spec more then condi as of lately. This Season already a lot better then the last 2 season we had with the fact that we have a mix of Condi/Power spec being viable and Mainly 2-3 classes being played for Condi(Necro,Mesmer,Thief) while Every other class/spec is being played as Power(Rev,engi,Ranger,Warrior,Mesmer,Thief). The only two classes that are In between would be Ele and Guardian . If Most of the players really have a hard time playing against Condi mesmer/thief at this point into the game then it's really a big Learn 2 Play issue.

However everyone on the forums are quick to cry for nerfs/complain how imbalance the game is when in reality this season might be the best we had in the last 3-4 seasons give or take.

I 100% agree. This is actually an enjoyable season so far. The scourge/FB combo is still annoying as they take over the whole node still but hey people have learned to adapt to it. Adapting to strong builds is what changes the meta. People crying that their cookie cutter build is dying to these builds just want everything to stay the same and never change.

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Ya, i dont get what their excuse is this time. There are clearly specs overperforming and have been for months yet no action has been taken to curb them. With so much time in between balance patches, playing against the same overpowered classes doing the same doing grows very stale and isn't fun to play against.

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@Blackdagger.9670 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Eleazar.9478 said:Ya they idk the balance team is super inconsistent in philosophy and updates. One day they'll stay and do one thing and then the next do another. Break something(usually) and sometimes it literally takes half a year for them to fix it. Idk what the hell they're doing but they need to be more efficient and flexible.

NEVER FORGETWhen I suggested maybe it's time for Anet to hire new pvp designers, forum moderators DELETED my comment and banned me from forums(for a while)

For what? For I used my right to express my thought? Where is the freedom of speech???

It depends on the country you live in. For example, this is not public place. This is Anet private playground and they can restrict your posts here however they like with no consequences.

Freedom of speech is not something that may change from country to country. It's a basic human right, if you hear it the first time.My thought is a basic criticism, they choose not to take it, I get it. But oppressing it, is a violation of expression of thought, and personal rights. Clearly, Anet adopts the second in their forums. Believing if they restrict players thinking like that, it goes unnoticed. But trust me, it just makes the problem bigger.

I dunno, freedom of speech in the US is still limited on what you can and cant do....Soooo..

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