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Why no move pvp ranked rewards to unranked when season is active?

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I think that will be good idea because there is alot of people who just want to farm ranked rewards for gold and ascended gear and they dont give a F.... about ranking,if something like that could happen then ranked arenas only will play those players who wants to get on Leaderboards .What you guys think?sorry about my bad english.

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Because matchmaking would be worse (and people already complain enough about it) in Ranked since even less players would be playing it. Pvp is already casual, lets not make it so casual that we could be asleep and still get rewarded.

Unranked has a reward track already. Ranked should be more rewarding.

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@Vaga.5174 said:Because matchmaking would be worse (and people already complain enough about it) in Ranked since even less players would be playing it. Pvp is already casual, lets not make it so casual that we could be asleep and still get rewarded.

Unranked has a reward track already. Ranked should be more rewarding.

Why? Why should ranked be more rewarding?

Pips and chests are a way to force people into Ranked. They aren't rewards for facing a tougher challenge. They are incentives because Ranked is a garbage system that doesn't work in solo-q 5v5 conquest ... incentives that, if removed and put into Unranked instead, would prove that most people don't like Ranked and just want to have fun with their friends, grind out some gold and ascendeds, and not care about a terrible, terrible, terrible system that is easily manipulated and means nothing when it comes to personal skill.

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@pah.4931 said:Why? Why should ranked be more rewarding?

Pips and chests are a way to force people into Ranked. They aren't rewards for facing a tougher challenge. They are incentives because Ranked is a garbage system that doesn't work in solo-q 5v5 conquest ... incentives that, if removed and put into Unranked instead, would prove that most people don't like Ranked and just want to have fun with their friends, grind out some gold and ascendeds, and not care about a terrible, terrible, terrible system that is easily manipulated and means nothing when it comes to personal skill.

Eh. People complain about wintrading and matchmaking, but I feel that's a problem that really only gets to a meaningful intensity once you reach the top 200 players or so. I wager that everyone else, including folks like me perpetually floating around the 1550 range, arguably see little of that. Once the early season volatility is over, the matchmaker treats me surprisingly well. For me there are almost no blowouts (where the losing team doesn't even break 100 or 200) beginning with the second week of the season, and I can count the visible/noticeable cheaters I've met on one hand over the past 4 seasons.

In short, during the on-season, I find ranked match quality to be better than one might assume based on most forum threads crying about the topic. That's a big draw for me every ranked season - after a bit of initial jostling, I find that the matchmaker does a passable job of putting me with and against players reasonably close to my skill level, and that's something that I'd miss if all we had was unranked and its allegedly hidden mmr system.

As for why ranked should be more rewarding, I think it's a logical outgrowth of risk/reward. People interested in ranked, like me, do face a higher 'risk' queuing ranked with regard to what we value: our mmr, match quality, spot on the leaderboards, and whatever shiny ranked badge we have next to our name. Just because you don't value what ranked gameplay puts at risk doesn't really justify why your preferred mode of gameplay deserves the same reward.

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@voltaicbore.8012 said:

@pah.4931 said:Why? Why should ranked be more rewarding?

Pips and chests are a way to force people into Ranked. They aren't rewards for facing a tougher challenge. They are incentives because Ranked is a garbage system that doesn't work in solo-q 5v5 conquest ... incentives that, if removed and put into Unranked instead, would prove that most people don't like Ranked and just want to have fun with their friends, grind out some gold and ascendeds, and not care about a terrible, terrible, terrible system that is easily manipulated and means nothing when it comes to personal skill.

Eh. People complain about wintrading and matchmaking, but I feel that's a problem that really only gets to a meaningful intensity once you reach the top 200 players or so. I wager that everyone else, including folks like me perpetually floating around the 1550 range, arguably see little of that. Once the early season volatility is over, the matchmaker treats me surprisingly well. For me there are almost no blowouts (where the losing team doesn't even break 100 or 200) beginning with the second week of the season, and I can count the visible/noticeable cheaters I've met on one hand over the past 4 seasons.

In short, during the on-season, I find ranked match quality to be better than one might assume based on most forum threads crying about the topic. That's a big draw for me every ranked season - after a bit of initial jostling, I find that the matchmaker does a passable job of putting me with and against players reasonably close to my skill level, and that's something that I'd miss if all we had was unranked and its allegedly hidden mmr system.

As for why ranked should be more rewarding, I think it's a logical outgrowth of risk/reward. People interested in ranked, like me, do face a higher 'risk' queuing ranked with regard to what we value: our mmr, match quality, spot on the leaderboards, and whatever shiny ranked badge we have next to our name. Just because you don't value what ranked gameplay puts at risk doesn't really justify why your preferred mode of gameplay deserves the same reward.

I think that's an illusion of risk. You really aren't risking a thing, unless all you care about is rank (and even then... not really a risk... the only real risk is queuing during off-peak... more proof that Ranked is a garbage system). And if all you care about is rank, then you should have no problem with pips and chests moving to Unranked. There shouldn't even be Ranked and Unranked. It shoudl just be PvP that lets people have fun, play withe friends, and get shinies.

ATs and more team-based things should be the only mode with a leaderboard.

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That's what I was getting at - what you call an mere "illusion of risk" is a real risk for people who like what ranked offers. A shot at one of the top 250 titles, a badge, the mmr number - those are measurable and viewable things in the game, and for people who care, losing them sucks. Just because you don't care about it doesn't mean nobody else should.

By extension, just because you don't care about it but some rewards are locked behind it doesn't mean you are automatically entitled to get those rewards too. Ascended gear is readily available elsewhere in all manner of ways, and both PvE and WvW have tracks for you to attain a full set of legendary armor. What else do the pip chests offer that's unique to ranked? A bit of gold and some unidentified dyes? Again, all stuff widely available elsewhere.

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