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Why Condi thief is bad for the game


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I took a break from the forums and came back to find more thief QQ. What is it this time... oh its condi thief. So rifle thief was OP, SD thief was OP, DP thief was OP, stealth thief was OP, PP thief was OP, and now its condi thief. NOT EVEN ONE of these builds was a ladder-topping meta build. SD thief was serviceable due to SD3 against firebrand only.

So despite this obvious fact ANET destroyed rifle thief, destroyed SD thief, nerfed DP thief a bit, and attempted (but failed) to nerf PP thief. None of these builds were OP by the way... rifle was trash tier, SD was meta BUT ONLY META BECAUSE FIREBRAND and because DP thief was already nerfed, DP thief wasn't good enough to be meta and still got nerfed anyway, and PP thief was supposed to be part of the deadeye changes but realistically was not affected (anet attempted to nerf, but failed)... by the way, PP thief was only good in like bronze tier as well.

Funny how every single day we have a forum whining about thief yet none of the things they are whining about are topping the ladder. Every single patch we have anet "reworking" mesmer into some broken ass shit, and at the same time every single patch thief gets another debilitating series of nerfbats. I'm frankly surprised that anyone even manages to play thief at all in PVP, but now here we are again with whining about condi thief.

Let me ask you a question: where are all the condi thieves in the AT setups? Is every AT filled with condi thief? Are AT teams running 4x condi thief or are they running 4x mesmer or standard FB + scourge comp?

I'm not saying I disagree with the OP's premise that thief's condi is difficult to avoid, but you people need to get a grip. Minor changes moving burst condi onto the trap cooldowns or some other medium-cd ability would suffice. This build is not in any way oppressing the meta. We don't have AT teams running 4 thieves like we had AT's filled with nothing but chrono.

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Good video. I whole heartedly agree. I won't get into this class or that class, but the core mechanics need to be changed. Way too many cover conditions, not just on thief, but others as well. Conditions should be tied more to weapons sets and utilities, and I hate icd traits. I tend to not even choose them if the option is something that is always doing something, unless it's a very short icd.

Open your bouncy chests.

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