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What is Going On with Thief


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@SoulSin.5682 said:

@"Belishine.7493" said:i think thief needs some love from anet and not this bad mentality of thief is a +1 for fights then thief will be in the spot it needs to be.

It was already confirmed by ANET in a developer post some time ago that, by design, Thief is a +1 class.The class is intentionally planned to not be able to 1x1 other classes. I mean, you can beat people on skill difference like any other pvp game, but on paper we shouldn't be able to.

yeah well that was during GW2' short ESL time, there it was the thieves role in spvp. that time is over and GW2 is also changing core designs over the years. this comment was about spvp, wich means it is not efficient on a capture point for a thief to 1 vs 1 as he will need more space for his mobility or use stealth both will make him lose the point, that doesnt mean thief is bad in 1 vs 1 under different circumstances. IMO thief was allways one of the best in 1 vs 1 on plain open field without anything else to bother then killing the opponent, thats why thief has been soo present in WvW roaming since ever, because if your ready to use whats given to the class we have the potential to kill everything and the potential to survive anyone.

Potential to kill anything and survive (read disengage) against anyone doesn't mean we have the kit to sustain a long fight against anyone.

Thief mostly kill unprepared and less skilled players
. Against a skilled player using a proper build, the capability of disengaging its the only part you will remember.

And on SPvP we haven't changed that much. If at all.yes i know we thieves are the real pros.i am not a skilled player at least i get told daily how bad i am, yet i have killed tons of selfproclaimed pvp gods of other classes with my thief - thats how weak we are.also how can a skilled player be unprepared ? if you said outnumbered i would understand but unprepared? do you go out into spvp or WvW expecting people to ask you if they may attack you ? no you will go out there expecting someone trying to jump you any second, thats why you have evoiremental awareness before , during and after each fight.

Again. Thief is specialized at ganking. I am not surprised that thiefs can kill players in optimal conditions. Things change a little in an guild arena fight without environment to kite at starting with a /bow cooldowns free. That is my definition of "direct fair fight".

By unprepared I mean the situation that someone without proper condi cleaner meet a condi thief or when someone without any sort of vitality/toughness (berserk or viper) meet a DeadEye Rifle (or any burst thief for all that matters). Encounters on WvW are most of the time, never far for one side.In that situation I agree that, Thief excells. We can engage and disengage at will, you clearly see the advantages of the class here.

The shorter the fight, the strongest Thief is
. But when you fight someone in a more survival build, the longer the fight goes, the worse it gets. And that's why Thief is not a 1x1 designed class, for us, the fight
go downhill.Naturally, that doesn't mean that Thief can't beat people x1, its just that other classes feel a lot safer in that departament than us.

the thing is why would you run without condi clears or run full glass if you cannot face other full glass people with it ? isnt that pretty stupid? i am allways prepared to fight any build.is it fair in such an arena fight if i prepare my malice and then go back into stealth a while till its perfect to burst? like no protection on the opponent anymore etc.? because with stealth that arena is more then big enough to 'kite' with stealth. also when fighting stuff like mirages, revs, some warriors and some rangers it is alot easier to apply a burst after 5-6+ seconds of stealth as they rotate too much evades, invuln, block etc while you are visible. but would that be called a disengage if you stealth till they stop dodging?squishy people die often before malice is even build up, the ones in 'more survival build' as you call it i then after the build up attack once more after a little stealth, this time opening with a oneshot or near oneshot if they are extreme tanky, so the fight is indeed longer but i dont see how they got a higher chance to beat me. usually its the more sustain you have, the less pressure you will apply. on rifle deadeye if you use your stealth and range, you really dont leave much room for counter pressure. your just visible for a little over 2 seconds and that on 1500 range , then stealth again and shoot from an other position. with this you dont need as much defensive utilities as other thief builds so i have 2,5 offensive ones ( bindins shadows, assassins signet and shadow step that i mostly use to port for my backstab not to disengage). if i lose a little health etc i will regen it quick in stealth and with m7 i really got enough ini to sustain longer fights. i mean yes against some i spent a while in stealth but you dont expect me to attack while my opponent it chaining evades/blocks, do you?

i am not a skilled player at least i get told daily how bad i am

You are not giving yourself credit.Also, when you are going to post that Deadeye MBS build for me to test :anguished:but i did give one version of it in the build discussion thread a while ago, tho that one there was in berserks actually doing a great job..but i play it more optimised now :)i already wasnt visible for long, so i run now valkyre and choose hidden killer over NQ, wich is a little damage loss but i still onehit most opponents and those 21k hp make me now pretty safe against any gank attempt from other thieves/mesmers etc that i might not be aware of. so
is the current version of my build.
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@Jack Redline.5379 said:

Revenant :joy:

what is funny about it? 8^/ it is revenant i mean yes they ahve renegade elite etc but the basic class was revenant (-.-)

Currently as a profession Revenant is just a joke :skull:

That being said, yeah it has few niches where it can perform alright or even good in the right hands, but humble opinion is that saying Thief has a good chance against a Revenant is like saying you have a good chance of beating a dead horse. A dead horse with few niches.

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you fighting rev is funny becosue they only good when they get the target off guard very similr to thief but rev has very little defence like a thief so i dont thing you have a good argument here. i will disagree with skilled thief is good the truth is if you get a skilled mes, war, ranger, or even guard you will die flat out becosue your skill with thief is alway going to be lower then that of other class making you a +1 witch is a bad game mentality. if you think im wrong then let me know were im wrong and help me tun this so we all can be equal with every class.

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