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Please, ANet, You HAVE To Do Something About the Idlers in PvP


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This has become a recurring problem, most recently with a player named Maton Leo. He never left the base the whole match. When he timed out, he logged back in and persisted in staying in the base. I have no idea what perverse pleasure people get out of doing stupid crap like this, but you need to crack down. We report and report and report these a-holes, and nothing ever seems to happen to them.

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@Aapheus.5780 said:We report and report and report these a-holes, and nothing ever seems to happen to them.

Reporting is a 50-50 tactic. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Idlers are the reason why people tend to play more unranked than ranked because at least in unranked your rating doesn't get affected by idlers.

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@"Kathul.1280" said:I have often wondered if reporting these people with gold spamming, or verbal abuse works better. Seems like Anet cares more about those complaints.

No, it will not. Despite the persistent belief that ANet ignore reports, they are treated seriously, and actions are taken. Sadly, they remain resistant internally to actually publishing, like, number of actions taken or whatever, so we don't have a good sense of how busy they are.

One thing to remember is these are NEVER going to be instant. ANet actually have a human being look at the report, examine the evidence, and decide what to do based on policy. This is good, because unlike an automated system they can write rules such as "is the player throwing the game" without having to define every possible way you could throw a game to the opposition, but bad because it means you might have a delay long enough between report and action that you get stuck with the same player a couple more times.

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