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Too tired of ppl committing common huge rotation mistakes


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Generally 2 mistake

  1. Overextension. Won mid and wiped all the other team. Then over half of the team go to far happily. Leaving mid and home open for respawned opponent to decap. Or leaving the guy who knows how to properly rotate staying mid himself. Opponent respawned, outnumbered the mid guy and snowball.

Instead they should just leave duelist like Spellbreaker to contest far or thief to decap far.

  1. Raged, not awared of the map and being outnumbered themselves constantly then being raged more. Being wiped at first doesn't mean loss. But many players just become rage and go mid one by one after respawn and being outnumbered and wiped one by one.

Instead they should regroup or secure home first if the other team contested it.

Hope my 2 points can reach my upcoming teammates and stay clam no matter after they wipe or be wiped......

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Can we get this stickied?I feel like the poor state of pvp is in part due to the community not knowing how to properly rotate. Why isn’t there a tutorial video made by one of ANET’s partners stickied forever right at the top of this subforum?Come on people, what the schnitzel?

P.S. Both ANET and the community are at fault here.@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 whadup hoss?

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Pressuring far isn't totally a bad strategy as long as home+mid aren't left unchecked, and the team pressuring far is smart/able enough to disengage in time and regroup wherever needed before wiping. If possible, they should disengage in different directions to scatter enemy forces and avoid a full wipe. Usually they'll tend to focus on the one that pissed them off the most.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:Pressuring far isn't totally a bad strategy as long as home+mid aren't left unchecked, and the team pressuring far is smart/able enough to disengage in time and regroup wherever needed before wiping. If possible, they should disengage in different directions to scatter enemy forces and avoid a full wipe. Usually they'll tend to focus on the one that pissed them off the most.

As a general rule of thumb, far is best left to thieves and mesmers to harass, as their mobility allows them to disengage and go back to support the team quickly.

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@Arlette.9684 said:

@MyPuppy.8970 said:Pressuring far isn't totally a bad strategy as long as home+mid aren't left unchecked, and the team pressuring far is smart/able enough to disengage in time and regroup wherever needed before wiping. If possible, they should disengage in different directions to scatter enemy forces and avoid a full wipe. Usually they'll tend to focus on the one that pissed them off the most.

As a general rule of thumb, far is best left to thieves and mesmers to harass, as their mobility allows them to disengage and go back to support the team quickly.

It sure is. War/ele/ranger can also fill the job, worst choices would be necro and guard.

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@"bennypig.6428" said:Generally 2 mistake

  1. Overextension. Won mid and wiped all the other team. Then over half of the team go to far happily. Leaving mid and home open for respawned opponent to decap. Or leaving the guy who knows how to properly rotate staying mid himself. Opponent respawned, outnumbered the mid guy and snowball.

Instead they should just leave duelist like Spellbreaker to contest far or thief to decap far.

  1. Raged, not awared of the map and being outnumbered themselves constantly then being raged more. Being wiped at first doesn't mean loss. But many players just become rage and go mid one by one after respawn and being outnumbered and wiped one by one.

Instead they should regroup or secure home first if the other team contested it.

Hope my 2 points can reach my upcoming teammates and stay clam no matter after they wipe or be wiped.....

First it always matters what composition your team runs. Depending on that you might even need to go far to keep the snowball up otherwise you will have an equal fight again after respawn. On your second statement you might be right, there almost always is no regroup, but this is something which needs communication.

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@Patrick.2987 said:

@"bennypig.6428" said:Generally 2 mistake
  1. Overextension. Won mid and wiped all the other team. Then over half of the team go to far happily. Leaving mid and home open for respawned opponent to decap. Or leaving the guy who knows how to properly rotate staying mid himself. Opponent respawned, outnumbered the mid guy and snowball.

Instead they should just leave duelist like Spellbreaker to contest far or thief to decap far.
  1. Raged, not awared of the map and being outnumbered themselves constantly then being raged more. Being wiped at first doesn't mean loss. But many players just become rage and go mid one by one after respawn and being outnumbered and wiped one by one.

Instead they should regroup or secure home first if the other team contested it.

Hope my 2 points can reach my upcoming teammates and stay clam no matter after they wipe or be wiped.....

First it always matters what composition your team runs. Depending on that you might even need to go far to keep the snowball up otherwise you will have an equal fight again after respawn. On your second statement you might be right, there almost always is no regroup, but this is something which needs communication.

I'd rather my teammates have a general idea of their dedicated role in the team, than dwell on comp variations. Baby steps eh?

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

@MyPuppy.8970 said:Pressuring far isn't totally a bad strategy as long as home+mid aren't left unchecked, and the team pressuring far is smart/able enough to disengage in time and regroup wherever needed before wiping. If possible, they should disengage in different directions to scatter enemy forces and avoid a full wipe. Usually they'll tend to focus on the one that pissed them off the most.

As a general rule of thumb, far is best left to thieves and mesmers to harass, as their mobility allows them to disengage and go back to support the team quickly.

It sure is. War/ele/ranger can also fill the job, worst choices would be necro and guard.

It depends what the enemy does/has and what you have on your team, trying to move the teamfight over to far, their home, isn't always a bad move.

The biggest issue I see is guard and necro win mid then sit there for 20s till respawns or even longer. They're not doing anything to secure the win with this move, don't get me wrong sometimes there's nothing to do but keep the status quo or nothing if everyone on the enemy team literally died at the same time but those are rare outside of roflstomps.

Another big issue I see is people play a bruiser or a class that wants to be outnumbered and they immediately do what you said, must push home and far almost never mid. Now that's good as a general rule but they often do it on enemy capped nodes not getting a decap and they're not thinking about the rest of their team. When you have won a node it's often better to let 1v1 classes look after it while support and AoE damage classes push to take nodes together.

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Pushing far isnt necessarily a bad move after a won teamfight / enemy wipe.You even said it yourself even: "Instead they should regroup or secure home first if the other team contested it."

So if you can meet them head-on at their designated "regrping location" and can pick off 1 or 2 players AGAIN before the rest of them arrive, you get a MASSIVE momentum swing. This usually is what happens when people talk about "snowballing the map".This really only turns into problem, whenever people dont realize that the fight is turning sour....Like when 2-3 pushed far after that won midfight, but dont get the repsawn kills fast enough and get swarmed.

As long as people realize that and are aware enough to disengage in time, I wont ever mind a far push after a won teamfight tbh.

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I agree with you fully. Another thing that enrages me is when people go 3vs1 instead of leaving it 2vs1 or even 1vs1, and go somewhere where they are more useful.. the worst thing is when you see 3 people trying to finish off a downed foe while a teammate is struggling in a 1vs2 situation.

The thing with overextending seems to be a common problem in all competitive games. I also play a fair amount of Overwatch and Smite, and in all of those games you have to keep reminding players, not to overextend. It is such a common thing across all pvp games, yet people consistently do it. Fuck knows why.

And lastly... not waiting to regroup when wiped. Ugh. Whatcha gonna do alone against 3 or 5 of them if all of just got our asses kicked in a team-fight? Wait, regroup, see what you can do, scatter the enemy , distract some of them with a decap or whatever, but don't go alone. Regroup, those 5 seconds that you wait for your other players to respawn won't cost you the game and if it does cost the came, you would have lost anyway.

A minor solution that helped me is to talk a strong, but friendly, narrative from the start. Tell them what to do... EVERY.SINGLE.GAME. Tell them not to overextend, remind them to regroup, call targets and tell them to focus targets instead of scattering their dmg... Really, really... LEAD. Also, take the time pre-game to explain rotations and so on.. For me personally, no body ever bothered to explain how to rotate properly, so I spend around 35 pvp ranks until I figured it out properly. A lot of players just don't know but will be so happy if you explain to them... others will just feel annoyed, but fuck those anyway. Good luck!

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@Arlette.9684 said:Can we get this stickied?I feel like the poor state of pvp is in part due to the community not knowing how to properly rotate. Why isn’t there a tutorial video made by one of ANET’s partners stickied forever right at the top of this subforum?Come on people, what the schnitzel?

P.S. Both ANET and the community are at fault here.@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 whadup hoss?

The state of PvP is because many of the original hard-core PvPers are gone. When a game mode is managed by popular vote, the minority that actually cared for the game mode is always going to get ousted by the majority that cares for the rewards.

Just going to add:Good job @bennypig.6428! Instead of whining about the players, you actually did something positive, and gave good advice. But, it is kinda sad that it's still required to tell people to have proper map awareness...

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@bennypig.6428 said:(...) many players just become rage (...)

Sorry, I love that phrase. :lol: They become rage personified! Balthasar V2 inc!

Your point is totally valid of course. And yeah, I see that a lot too. Warning them ususally does not help, because many are just too self-confident. I am left hoping they will learn over time. :)

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@bennypig.6428 said:(...) many players just become rage (...)

Sorry, I love that phrase. :lol: They become rage personified! Balthasar V2 inc!

Your point is totally valid of course. And yeah, I see that a lot too. Warning them ususally does not help, because many are just too self-confident. I am left hoping they will learn over time. :)

Except, I feel like that just compounds the problem, you can’t get better until you are able to admit to yourself, that you need to get better.

The whole sPvP system is failing. We’re all at the mercy of an RNG team generator, hoping the other 3-4(solo or duo queue) have at least basic understanding of the game mode and strategy to actually pull off a win. And then you gotta hope your opponents don’t cheese you out, with their comp cuz hell you can relog to whatever your heart desires.

With the current system in place there’s absolutely no reason to look at PvP as anything other than a place to score some easy gear and lil bit of gold.

I’m done with this discussion, the more I think about it, the more agitated I get, so I’ll just stop.Peace.

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@"bennypig.6428" said:Generally 2 mistake

  1. Overextension. Won mid and wiped all the other team. Then over half of the team go to far happily. Leaving mid and home open for respawned opponent to decap. Or leaving the guy who knows how to properly rotate staying mid himself. Opponent respawned, outnumbered the mid guy and snowball.

Instead they should just leave duelist like Spellbreaker to contest far or thief to decap far.

  1. Raged, not awared of the map and being outnumbered themselves constantly then being raged more. Being wiped at first doesn't mean loss. But many players just become rage and go mid one by one after respawn and being outnumbered and wiped one by one.

Instead they should regroup or secure home first if the other team contested it.

Hope my 2 points can reach my upcoming teammates and stay clam no matter after they wipe or be wiped......

There are guides, and all anybody has to do is watch videos from skilled players playing the game well in order to learn, but they don't really care, they just want the pips.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

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