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1 chara slot left.. Must choose between 2 professions.. help me..


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Hi guys!

As the title says, I need to choose between Ranger or Revenant. I dont really care about Engineer.

The appeal for me is as follows. (warning, these are dumb, so just relax)


  • Pets! Pokemon like gathering, could be fun..
  • Soulbeast sounds great and fun to experiment with.
  • Using bow and stay in range could be fun rather than getting to up close and personal all the time like with my Warrior.
  • I love cultural human Medium armor (Assassin)
  • seems relaxing to play? with pet tanking and you just concentrate on dishing out damages from a far.
  • Might get boring because its too easy?
  • Medium armor choices are kind of limited to my taste
  • Not dealing as much damage as other classes?
  • dont know whether R will get accepted in high end PVE area or not


  • Legends! I love love GW1 so much, that the thought alone of able to channeling Shiro, Mallyx, Glint is so appealing
  • New profession, so might be so different than what's the usual in all MMOs
  • Hammer looks like a viable weapon? (I love hammer KD warrior build back in GW1)
  • Armors are cool looking, and menacing
  • Don't know how it is to solo everything.. is it good or bad (having no problem soloing core contents with my Mes, Nec, and War for example, but struggled with my couple others)
  • Not hearing much about Revenant wanted in high end pve area discussions/LFG
  • Will the novelty of playing Legends wears off easily, and it will become another Warrior generic type?

Anyway, those + and - are just based on an observation "on the skin", I am not experienced player at all, I just came back since 2 weeks ago after 4 years of absence, so the + and - WILL look dumb for some people, and I understand.

Please help me decide which one based on my simple reasoning above because I dont know any better..

cheers, and thank you in advance!

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Ranger is overall the easier of the two classes to understand and play. Ranger itself is actually now in a pretty good place for endgame DPS... Druid is wanted in every raid for support, and Soulbeast now has BOTH a power (33k DPS) AND a condi (31k DPS, group utility via stance sharing) build that are considered viable by the Snowcrows Raid guild. The best DPS builds are mostly all melee range, though, so that is something to keep in mind. That said, the condi SB build can run Shortbow/Shortbow swap without losing any significant DPS, and has an easier roation. Ranger will probably always have a place in some capacity for end game PvE if only because it has unique buffs like Spotter trait and Frost and Sun Spirits, or stance sharing if running SB.

Revenant is a highly misunderstood class, but it also has a strong place in Raids on both of its elite specs. On huge hitboxes the condi Rev is second only to Power Weaver, meanwhile power Herald is in the 33k range for DPS. Rev is also a very strong support on either spec, if you choose to go that route. Hammer being useful is... relative. It's certainly nothing like warrior, however. Hammer on Rev is a ranged power-based weapon that does hefty strikes of damage but is balanced by slow slow attacks. It doesn't greatly compete compared to melee rev. As a question of balance, Rev can often feel... a little left behind, like they aren't really sure how to balance it. The design is odd and the energy management can be tough to get used to, but it is in a pretty good place right now overall in terms of end game PvE, and I find I enjoy it now more than I did at launch.

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One suggestion - create them one at a time and take them to pvp - they will be level 80 and you can see all the skills including the Elites and a bit of the playability.

Have to confess I always been a Ranger first. Depending what you want to do eg pure PVe, SPvP, Wvw, Raids and fractuals. Pure rangers not really popular in top end groups (Pugs and such) due to their single target focus. The 2 Elites do make it a bit more in demand. Think if doing any of the end game stuff check which guilds are around and what they looking for. The Soul Beast and Druid can sometimes be in demand but think depends on how you set them up and play them.

Revenant can't really comment on as have to confess not played it a lot.

Might suggest try each out in pvp and see how you like the feel of them. Best would be if you have someone you feel comfortable with and do some duels. Think there also areas there that allow you to fight vs mobs but not sure as not tried it in ages.

Hope this helps you get at least some idea of what you can do with them both.

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Thank you so much for the replies! I dont quote it because I'm afraid it would be too long.

Forgot to mention that I am strictly PvE content, fractals and raid included at 1 point later on.

Seems like Ranger is really the best balance huh? Are you at disadvantage if you dont own a certain pet btw? That's the mechanic that I'm not quite sure since the sheer number of the available pets are kind of overwhelming.

Also, Sojourner, you didn't mention a longbow, is that because it's not in such good place at the moment?

thanks again

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I recently leveled a power ranger and find it kinda meh, reasons being:

Pew-pewing with those long cooldowns is quite boring.Going into melee also feels underwhelming - you risk your skin in melee and the damage is not really worth it.Then perhaps ranger is not my cup of tea, though I really tried.

Can't wait to try Revenant, although the consensus seems to be that Revenant is broken and only gets completed with elite spec.

On the other hand, another character slot surely is in the realm of possibility...? You could go to the gifting strangers thread and ask for a character slot expansion!

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@Plautze.6290 said:I recently leveled a power ranger and find it kinda meh, reasons being:

Pew-pewing with those long cooldowns is quite boring.Going into melee also feels underwhelming - you risk your skin in melee and the damage is not really worth it.Then perhaps ranger is not my cup of tea, though I really tried.

Can't wait to try Revenant, although the consensus seems to be that Revenant is broken and only gets completed with elite spec.

On the other hand, another character slot surely is in the realm of possibility...? You could go to the gifting strangers thread and ask for a character slot expansion!

Honestly, I won't level it up from 0 - 80. I just can't stomach it anymore. Before I left the game 4 years ago, I have 1 lv 80 War, lvl 50 Ele, lvl 20 thief, lvl 40 guardian, lvl 25 Mesmer. This is back when there was not much content and some mechanics are still there, so I already grinded a lot before. When I came back, I got 2 lvl 80 boost from purchasing HoT and PoF. Nevertheless, I tried to level up Necromancer from 0.. I then gave up once she reached level 16... It's just.. too boring.. I really can't after all these times. For me lvl 80 boost is a God-send because now I already boosted my mesmer to lvl 80 and finding her very fun to play with without needing to waste my time leveling up again. I'm easily bored and quick to move on in terms of gaming, and I suspect had I continued to level up my Necromancer from level 0 -80, I think I'd gave up on GW2 again and moving on yet again. Which is something that I don't hope to happen.

In retrospect, I think its also my fault that all of my characters except my lvl 80 War, is either human or norn. That could be the reason why I am so mind numbingly bored leveling them up again..

Anyway, sorry for the rambling. My point is, I got 1 more lvl 80 boost to use to go along with 1 character slot. It's ok, I won't boosted any new character immediately too because I'd like to learn the mechanic for at least 10-15 level before using it.

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@torakun.9638 said:Honestly, I won't level it up from 0 - 80. I just can't stomach it anymore. Before I left the game 4 years ago, I have 1 lv 80 War, lvl 50 Ele, lvl 20 thief, lvl 40 guardian, lvl 25 Mesmer. This is back when there was not much content and some mechanics are still there, so I already grinded a lot before. When I came back, I got 2 lvl 80 boost from purchasing HoT and PoF. Nevertheless, I tried to level up Necromancer from 0.. I then gave up once she reached level 16... It's just.. too boring.. I really can't after all these times. For me lvl 80 boost is a God-send because now I already boosted my mesmer to lvl 80 and finding her very fun to play with without needing to waste my time leveling up again. I'm easily bored and quick to move on in terms of gaming, and I suspect had I continued to level up my Necromancer from level 0 -80, I think I'd gave up on GW2 again and moving on yet again. Which is something that I don't hope to happen.

In retrospect, I think its also my fault that all of my characters except my lvl 80 War, is either human or norn. That could be the reason why I am so mind numbingly bored leveling them up again..

Anyway, sorry for the rambling. My point is, I got 1 more lvl 80 boost to use to go along with 1 character slot. It's ok, I won't boosted any new character immediately too because I'd like to learn the mechanic for at least 10-15 level before using it.

I feel your pain, most of my chars are human, too =) and after the 8th toon, the human story gets a little boring.Tombs of Knowledge are another good way to power-level your char... and get carpal tunnel from clicking all those ToKs :#

Anyway, I wish you luck and foresight in making your decision.Perhaps trying the classes out in PvP as another poster above said is not the worst idea...

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@torakun.9638 said:Thank you so much for the replies! I dont quote it because I'm afraid it would be too long.

Forgot to mention that I am strictly PvE content, fractals and raid included at 1 point later on.

Seems like Ranger is really the best balance huh? Are you at disadvantage if you dont own a certain pet btw? That's the mechanic that I'm not quite sure since the sheer number of the available pets are kind of overwhelming.

Also, Sojourner, you didn't mention a longbow, is that because it's not in such good place at the moment?

thanks again

You can still take both classes to PvP Lobby and use your skills on the training golems and other classes NPC's to see what the gameplay looks like :) You don't need to enter in a match and play against other players

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@Mbelch.9028 said:Confused as to why a PvE post accidentally placed in PvP hasn't been moved...

@Arlette.9684 said:@Mbelch.9028Your confusion is unfounded. This is obviously a PvE game, thus all subforums are indeed PvE related.

Glad I could clear that up for you :wink:

You know.. actually the moderator moved it.. because it/he/she thought it was more appropriate to be in PVP section... sigh.. :/

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@Plautze.6290 said:

@torakun.9638 said:Honestly, I won't level it up from 0 - 80. I just can't stomach it anymore. Before I left the game 4 years ago, I have 1 lv 80 War, lvl 50 Ele, lvl 20 thief, lvl 40 guardian, lvl 25 Mesmer. This is back when there was not much content and some mechanics are still there, so I already grinded a lot before. When I came back, I got 2 lvl 80 boost from purchasing HoT and PoF. Nevertheless, I tried to level up Necromancer from 0.. I then gave up once she reached level 16... It's just.. too boring.. I really can't after all these times. For me lvl 80 boost is a God-send because now I already boosted my mesmer to lvl 80 and finding her very fun to play with without needing to waste my time leveling up again. I'm easily bored and quick to move on in terms of gaming, and I suspect had I continued to level up my Necromancer from level 0 -80, I think I'd gave up on GW2 again and moving on yet again. Which is something that I don't hope to happen.

In retrospect, I think its also my fault that all of my characters except my lvl 80 War, is either human or norn. That could be the reason why I am so mind numbingly bored leveling them up again..

Anyway, sorry for the rambling. My point is, I got 1 more lvl 80 boost to use to go along with 1 character slot. It's ok, I won't boosted any new character immediately too because I'd like to learn the mechanic for at least 10-15 level before using it.

I feel your pain, most of my chars are human, too =) and after the 8th toon, the human story gets
a little
boring.Tombs of Knowledge are another good way to power-level your char... and get carpal tunnel from clicking all those ToKs :#

Anyway, I wish you luck and foresight in making your decision.Perhaps trying the classes out in PvP as another poster above said is not the worst idea...

Thank you so much. Is there any sure way to get those tomes of knowledge? I have 21 for some reason but I dont even know where did they came from..

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@witcher.3197 said:Ranger for easymode and build diversity, Revenant for fun and depth but 0 diversity.

Interesting take.. thank you :)

@mikeeens.3542 said:Im playins Ranger... cool class... still learning, but i like and thats my main char... I actually dont see many rangers anyways... thats the one of the reasons why im ranger.

Missed this reply. Thanks! yes, I am actually leaning towards making a Ranger now hehe

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@torakun.9638 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:Confused as to why a PvE post accidentally placed in PvP hasn't been moved...

@Arlette.9684 said:@Mbelch.9028Your confusion is unfounded. This is obviously a PvE game, thus all subforums are indeed PvE related.

Glad I could clear that up for you :wink:

You know.. actually the moderator moved it.. because it/he/she thought it was more appropriate to be in PVP section... sigh.. :/

Can we please sticky this for the next time I make a "Customer Service Satisfaction Poll". Case and point! Nailed it!

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@"torakun.9638" said:Thank you so much. Is there any sure way to get those tomes of knowledge? I have 21 for some reason but I dont even know where did they came from..

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_KnowledgeI get most of them from the login rewards. Of course, that won't solve your problem right now, as it takes some time for the build-up.

@MasterChriss.8574 said:Stucking in a similar problem (warrior vs revenant)The thing on warrior:More ways to choose weapons/skills but the mechanic feels boringOn revenant:The mechanic seems better but i dislike that you cant choose your skill and they are locked to your legend...

As I haven't played Rev yet, I can only speak for the warrior. While it's true that you can choose from more weapons, you'll mostly be rolling the same two sets, perhaps sometimes switching out the second set depending on the situation. For example, I adore greatswords and for the secondary I have

  • axe/shield for DPS, bursts and a little bit of def and cc
  • mace/shield for ultra-cc or
  • rifle/longbow for single/aoe ranged damage. In the case of the rifle, it also brings some cc to the table with its primal burst, which is why I prefer it over the bow.
  • in really rare cases, I switch my primary to hammer for the extra cc, while losing substantial amounts of damage

To the mechanic: Once you unlocked and fully trained berserker, it will be a burst fest. If you want to be a spellbreaker, the mechanic will turn into a quite nice counter attack, making it more tactical.

Edit: This is for PvE, dunno why somebody would move this thread to PvP smh

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@torakun.9638 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:Confused as to why a PvE post accidentally placed in PvP hasn't been moved...

@Arlette.9684 said:@Mbelch.9028Your confusion is unfounded. This is obviously a PvE game, thus all subforums are indeed PvE related.

Glad I could clear that up for you :wink:

You know.. actually the moderator moved it.. because it/he/she thought it was more appropriate to be in PVP section... sigh.. :/

Well, there ya go. Mods aren't perfect. I now feel obligated to weigh in, so I'd give you this advice:

Ranger is only fun for me if it's soulbeast, as I hate having a pet follow me around. Revenant is complex and intricate, and can be extremely useful in multiple game modes. I'd go with Rev.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:Confused as to why a PvE post accidentally placed in PvP hasn't been moved...

@Arlette.9684 said:@Mbelch.9028Your confusion is unfounded. This is obviously a PvE game, thus all subforums are indeed PvE related.

Glad I could clear that up for you :wink:

You know.. actually the moderator moved it.. because it/he/she thought it was more appropriate to be in PVP section... sigh.. :/

Well, there ya go. Mods aren't perfect. I now feel obligated to weigh in, so I'd give you this advice:

Ranger is only fun for me if it's soulbeast, as I hate having a pet follow me around. Revenant is complex and intricate, and can be extremely useful in multiple game modes. I'd go with Rev.

thank you very much for your advice! so far I'm still having fun with newly unlocked chronomancer. So I kind of postpone creating anew chara for a bit. Thanks

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@torakun.9638 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:Confused as to why a PvE post accidentally placed in PvP hasn't been moved...

@Arlette.9684 said:@Mbelch.9028Your confusion is unfounded. This is obviously a PvE game, thus all subforums are indeed PvE related.

Glad I could clear that up for you :wink:

You know.. actually the moderator moved it.. because it/he/she thought it was more appropriate to be in PVP section... sigh.. :/

Well, there ya go. Mods aren't perfect. I now feel obligated to weigh in, so I'd give you this advice:

Ranger is only fun for me if it's soulbeast, as I hate having a pet follow me around. Revenant is complex and intricate, and can be extremely useful in multiple game modes. I'd go with Rev.

thank you very much for your advice! so far I'm still having fun with newly unlocked chronomancer. So I kind of postpone creating anew chara for a bit. Thanks

Yeees! Come to the dark side!

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@Rufo.3716 said:You need to save that last slot for your key farmer every week.

Please please follow up this comment.. I am intrigued.. > @Arlette.9684 said:

@Mbelch.9028 said:Confused as to why a PvE post accidentally placed in PvP hasn't been moved...

@Arlette.9684 said:@Mbelch.9028Your confusion is unfounded. This is obviously a PvE game, thus all subforums are indeed PvE related.

Glad I could clear that up for you :wink:

You know.. actually the moderator moved it.. because it/he/she thought it was more appropriate to be in PVP section... sigh.. :/

Well, there ya go. Mods aren't perfect. I now feel obligated to weigh in, so I'd give you this advice:

Ranger is only fun for me if it's soulbeast, as I hate having a pet follow me around. Revenant is complex and intricate, and can be extremely useful in multiple game modes. I'd go with Rev.

thank you very much for your advice! so far I'm still having fun with newly unlocked chronomancer. So I kind of postpone creating anew chara for a bit. Thanks

Yeees! Come to the dark side!

LOL! Thank you! Kinda hard thought compared to the regular mesmer, the mechanic takes a lot of re reading for me to understand completely..

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