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I just don’t understand


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Anet, why do you insist on deleting dps warrior from the game (pve wise). I’m sick having one role in the game-banner slave. And before arguments that come in, I’m talking about raiding and high tiered fractals. Warrior was finally doing great dps where we didn’t need banners to be viable in a group composition. I understand that it did a little too much damage and needed some fixing. But the fix basically deleted zerk dps from the game. And on top of that spellbreaker dps is behind other power classes like their, ele, engie. Idk guys. I’m just really sick of only being useful for banners tbh. Ayome else?

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The only class thats going to stay meta is Chrono..... and thats mostly because they can't undo the tanking potential without complete dismantling Core Mesmer in the process.

The rest of the classes are stuck in this musical chair roudabout balancing act, because they're trying to normalize DPS potential for Raids, but also trying to balance burst Damage output in PvP. Raids being so heavily skewed toward max DPS, and offers enough safety for long rotation chains, long term DPS output amplifies massively with how warrior can stack and maintain large numbers of damage buffs. Those damage mods were mostly meant for windows of burst damage, and relied heavily on landing those burst hits.

The irony here is that Spell Breaker is a good overall baseline for low cap, but high frequency burst attacks that do well in PvP, but don't create huge sustained damage boosts that create the kind of benchmark disparities that the Raid Meta revolves around. Spell breaker is made as a shut down class, similar to Scrapper, and neither of those are valued in raids because their power comes from something that isn't DPS. The Dhuum fight heavily involves Boons to strip.... but unfortunately its designed in such a way that only Wind of Disenchantment can properly keep pace with it; and is pretty much the only reason to take Spell Breaker.

So we're still running into this problem where its not that certain classes aren't doing enough damage, but certain ones are doing too much, and the Raids themselves (via rage timers and phasing) keep promoting high DPS to shorten the time in each phase as much as possible. As much as its been mixed up over the old VG days, its still that one aspect that perpetuates the wanna-be trinity of the Raid meta.

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