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Class balance fix? Forget it for a second. How about this balance first....

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@"Elvarazsollak.5193" said:ec3ifOn.png

And please don't tell me it's just "luck" that I am ALWAYS losing to "lower tiered teams" (big loss) and win only against "lower tiered teams" (moderate win). I call uber BS.

Something you should know, when you win or lose it’s your personal Skill Rating vs the Average Skill Rating of the opposing team so yes generally you will be facing a team with lower Rating than yours unless your personal ratings is well below the average skill rating of individual players.

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So what you're saying is that I am too high level for all my matches? I am just an average Joe gold 2 player roller-coasting between gold 1 and gold 3 due to the above gift from the RNG God of MatchMaker. Painfully crawl myself up to the next sub tier then fall fast. What you see above happened when I reached Gold 3 then those two losses hit me.

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