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  1. The lore for the past 12 years was about the Elder Dragons and the Elder Dragon Cycle, all the Elder Dragons, existed during that time… it’s been clearly stated how many and the names of all of them minus Soo Won’s name not being known… also the reason Aurene’s Legendaries won’t get new variants going forward is because she absorbed all the Dragon magic, and the variants use the essence of the dragon magic to change them…. Theres no more Elder Dragons besides Aurene… so no more variants.
  2. Power Reaper isn’t doing 49k dps… you might want to get your information right if you want to try to calling things out for being problematic
  3. Oh no a player did 70k* dps with all those AoE hits… maybe if it was single target it may be relevant to being op lol 😂
  4. Nice try but I’m running around in zerker Reaper because it’s the only true way to play. but again I’m not the one making posts calling for nerfs left and right to every class I lose to unlike some people do. It’s a common trend for those that don’t try to improve themselves and would rather whine and get sympathy from other people of like mind and skill set to try and get things nerfed.
  5. I mean if the shoe fits lol 😂 also I don’t play willbender in WvW, and most players over inflate their own skills in games it’s quite prevalent actually and they cry more often than not for nerfs to make themselves feel better, especially when you see the same names repeatedly crying for nerfs on any class they aren’t actively playing.
  6. Some people don’t seem to realize the majority of players aren’t that good at pvp and will complain about whatever kills them, and with some people that make posts on constantly nerfing things you can see it’s a habit/trend to go to the forums and complain instead of trying to improve.
  7. I just want the option to disable all of the legendary effects from other people, weapons are fine but the accessories are too much. They need to give the option to disable those from showing on other players.
  8. It’s another accessory slot from the screen shot they provide it sits on its own next to the rings, Relics don’t get slotted into any gear so no extraction device required.
  9. I log in and hop on whatever open tag there is that’s fighting. So yeah… have yet to be kicked from the zergs for playing whatever class/build I happen to be on that day
  10. I log in on my Necro and just play, I log in on my thief/Mesmer and play…. Zero gatekeeping
  11. Fun fact GW2 doesn’t require Windows, i daily drive on my EndeavourOs machine and play gw2 with better performance than Windows. Manjaro also works amazing with GW2 with better performance than Windows. If you don’t want to use Lutris/Wine you can use Steam to play.
  12. They just need to add finishing returns on Hard Ccs, remove Stability and boom.
  13. They paid for the functionality to select any of the available Superior Runes, that functionality still exists. Otherwise they could’ve just bought any old exotic Superior Rune. And someone comparing a statement someone else said to flat earthers is the same thing as comparing the person to it. Maybe some people should make counter arguments that can hold up instead of resulting to insults.
  14. Oh don’t try to hide, someone trying to compare someone to flat earthers is an insult again Legendary Runes only have one function and that’s to be able to select whatever the currently available Superior Runes are, and those are subject to balance changes which has happened before and is happening again with this update. Anet never said the game or legendaries would not be affected by balance changes. The only function of Legendary Runes hasn’t changed it’s still the same. but again I know some people will complain to get things without putting in the required effort because that’s what they always do.
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