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PVE: Assassin energy costs too high on uility skills


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@Sparrow.5936 said:

@XxsdgxX.8109 said:Shiro is like... the most solid Legend right now and arguably the most balanced skillset in the entire game
Risk /

@Sparrow.5936 said:Until I realized I pretty much never use
Riposting Shadows
, Phase Traversal, or Jade Winds because the energy cost is too high and that using them would usually instantly
make me have to switch stances
or conversely I already used too much energy and I can't even use them to begin with.

Riposting Shadows now costs 30 energy , no cooldown. What about 15 energy, and a 5 second cooldown ?

Maybe this class isn't for you, you have
no idea
how much you would be butchering Shiro with such suggestions and it just shows how little time you've put into actually learning it.

Many other legends are the ones that need work instead. Shiro is very well balanced right now so please don't overthink things and end up ruining it too.Also energy costs on weapon skills are a fine, a reminder.

Well a 5s CD and half the energy cost isnt that bad of a suggestion i might say.I do not catch me that often to double cast riposting shadows. 15 energy is pretty much free for a stunbreak though and i think maybe reduce the cost to 25 for PvE but thats it. Everything else could be as is.

Thank you for your input , and I see your point. 15 is probably too extreme, it was just an example.

Thanks for bringing thoughts to the discussion rather than just shutting me down and telling me how I know nothing of the class.

Don't forget that it also restores endurance... So having RS as a low cost energy skill would allow you to be able to chain evades for a Thiefian level of time.

But, unless I'm mistaken, this was a PvE related thread, so it's sort of whatever. I don't think being able to spam cast RS in PvE would lead to many op situations--in fact it'd just be an overall dps loss, since ideally you NEVER want to cast RS or PT when going for max PvE damage. If anything, I guess in solo-play your could use it to stack might via incensed response, but like... There's better ways to do that, haha.

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I agree with you and I think a lot of the defensive utilities are on the pricier side, specifically riposting shadows. The problem stems from the fact that you start with 50 energy, yet skills are balanced around having 100 energy. So yeah, you switch legends and have 50 energy, use an attack and impossible odds for like 3 seconds and you are already out of energy or at least unable to use riposting shadows or other stunbreakers/escapes. But thats just sorta the playstyle of rev and the "energy management" aspect. Like I guess the idea is to pre-emptively switch and build up some energy quick, allowing for you to use more skills for burst/survival.

So all in all, I agree with your frustration but I also agree with the rest of these guys that if you were to change the skills too much it would result in high cooldowns or other unwanted balance consequences. The main culprit for the universal issue for rev is the starting with 50 energy, as this is only have the totally amount of energy you can have. When doing anything where enemy mechanics are involved I often have to plan out my legend swapping, energy building, and susequent cc and spiking all in line so I have enough energy for my skills inside of the right legend with the right cooldowns becoming available.

You mentioned in one response about how using anything other than impossible odds is a waste due to such a large dps drop off, and you're not wrong but I also don't think it's a problem. The three main core legends shiro, mallyx, and jalis all sorta work that way, as a burn legend. They don't have many useful utilities and often their best skill is their upkeep skill so really you just switch to them for a stun break, condi cleanse, or to just up dps. But, there are times where I have over 50 energy with these dudes and its usually when I have to step out of combat for a bit and switch to my ranged weapon or secondary weapon and build up some energy.

I don't really know how they can adjust the skill with putting on a cooldown. They could possibly do an ammo thing so that way you can at least cast it twice or so if needed, but it still costs energy without it being totally spammable.

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