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Dagger 4 in Raids - Good News!


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So I tried play around with D/D in a casual W1 run, and I was quite surprised. Raid bosses spend quite a lot of time just standing around without "using a skill" allowing you to get the full damage bonus of this attack quite often as long as you can recognize those moments of idleness.

Probably won't allow you to break any DPS records, but at least it is something.

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I think we can have a discussion on Dagger 4 without restricting it to just PVE, the mechanics are pretty much the same when using the skill in any mode.

For D/D builds, getting used to using Dagger 4 will be key. Its a little hard to use at times but when you get it right it can hit pretty hard. I like it a lot, and I think its a better version of final thrust. The synergy between Dagger 3 and Dagger 4 is also pretty strong.

Essentially, its a non F1 high burst when set up right. I really like this, and it allows me to save my F1's on both weapon sets more often for even more burst potential. I found myself chaining together some nice damage bursts through combos.

Right now its my favorite skill in the game, it actually eclipsed Eviscerate.

I really like the look and the play-style of Spellbreaker, the only thing that can break it for me are nerfs.

P.S. - I also found using Sigil of Severance to really be a nice addition to the Dagger 3 and Dagger 4 combo. It adds a nice little kick to the damage and and carries over into hopefully your burst you are rotating through. ( example Dagger 3, Dagger 4, F1, Full Counter, another F1 off swap, etc.)

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Theres really no need for sigil of severance imo,maybe in pve but for WvW i'd highly suggest to grab drain sig. Hitting 5 people with a counter equals to 5k hp + 5k dmg with no icd.Every cc interupt you do will heal an extra 1k hp + 1k dmg.

Also when you burst and counter swap..make sure you Burst/Weap swap/Burst/Counter/Burst to maximize the bursting effect and get your adren hp stacks up right away.

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While the leap on Dagger 2 is small, hitting a target with it deals a surprising amount of damage, and the slow means hitting the stun with Dagger 3 is easy, which makes Dagger 4 a free hit often times. If you're stacking might with GS and Magebane then swapping for that 2-3-4 combo it does very high damage. I'm sure I could jump over to Weaver or Holo and then see how laughably huge the gap is, but my sustain is also fairly good because of Might Makes Right with Sun and Moon Style.

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