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The Game's a CC and Condi Spam Fest


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I also agree that this depends on your class and/or build. My Dragonhunter/Firebrand doesn't seem to struggle with mitigating CC or conditions. I guess if you're having issues you can do the old "fight a few at a time" method instead of jumping in balls deep like I usually find myself (because I ride my mount till I get knocked off), or you can see if there is anyone in map/guild who would like to help you.

I feel that there definitely are more CC and condis with these mobs, but I'm cool with it. This is the second expansion and we're in year five of GW2. Mobs should start hitting harder and have more mechanics as most of us have been there and done that more times than some of us would like to admit. (That isn't to say I think we should just forget about new players who may have only been playing for a few weeks or months at this time, but these players should also be aware that they're playing a game that's five years old, and that newer "end game" content will be harder.)

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I would have hoped that Anet would have reduced them rather than double down for PoF. Instead of spamming cc's and condis there could be more focus on avoiding or blocking tells and then counter attacking, moving around enemies to attack from behind for more damage, etc. To me this seems like lazy design..

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this has this game turned into already years ago, when Anet added Heart of thirns.. this Condi and CC Spamfest is nothign but the result of only HoT and anet did so far nothing to counter balance this, but in fact made everything around this only worser, to the point, that every bigger boss counter has turned into CC spam fests, when you essentialyl always need now massive CC to be able tpo break the foes bars to stop them either from doing sokethign that is otherwise deadly for you, or to become even able to deal soem decent damage at all to be able to deal enough dps, so that you can kill the bosses in time.

Condis have turned in this game with the 23rd june patch of 2015 into a total terrible mess, that hasn#t been fixed until today.

Somethign, that anet can fix only, if they finayl rework the Boon and Condition System by reducing the amount of effects you get spammed full with in GW2 combats..

But I guess we will never see the light of the day coming, where ANet actually reworks their outdated major combat system elements to brign them finally all together in one big go onto the same modern level of design, which the rest of the game is right now....

Boons, Conditions, Upgrades (Sigils/Runes/Gemstones), Base Health System, Attribute System, Breakbar System for Players are all things which need to get looked over together, if we want GW2 to come closer to being more balanced with lesser spam of CC and Condis.

Its not done by it to just make always only changes on Skilsl and Traits and expect from these tiny change,s that this alone would do the job of balancing the game, whiel you keep on ignoring for 5 years all the rest of your games combat system element,s which play also a huge role of class and especially game balancing as well too!!

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The CC and condi spam doesn't bother me much. I run around with a vanilla condi engineer, and don't bother with cleanses or stun breaks. I just use dodges and my own CC abilities to deal with the mobs. Between grenade kit, bomb kit and flame thrower I can spam enough CC of my own to take out packs of 5-7 PoF mobs without dying. When they gang up on me too much I just drop a big ol bomb and knock them all down, kite around to pick one or two off, dodge away when the rest catch up, spam some grenades at the pack (flash grenade last to blind them), wait til they catch up, aoe burn them with bomb kit 2, then concussion bomb them to confuse them, pop back over to pistols and blow torch them, then ping static shock off whoever is still chasing me to blind and confuse them, rinse and repeat. You don't necessarily even need cleanses or stun breaks or stabs. For me, it is just about knowing my class, and being able to adjust my play style. Maybe this would be a lot harder on other classes. I main engineer, so that's the only one I can really speak to.

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Condi/CC on players are one of the reasons (JP is another) why I never fully like GW2. like KB, KD, Pull, Chill, Crippl, Immobi, etc. just annoys the hell out of me. I could do A LOT of things just to avoid them (like one poster above), but no thanks. I will just accept it as bad design on Anets part.

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Purely PVE spoken: I never slot any Stability, Cleanse or stunbreak Skills since I do not want to give up my Traps and ELite for that. I just love them too much. I do have some traits as Ranger that help me deal with the CC from mobs, like sharing conditions with my pet. I just try to Condi down a group of mobs before they get me. I dodge a lot and also have a trait that gives me 25% extra endruance regen. I have to add that I run a full Toughness/Vitality Pahua armor and trinket set.

I feel it is an odd build but I keep coming back to it, after trying Vipers, other Runes, other weapons, other Skills, other traitsets. I wil say that I just love to lay traps for fun, nothing better then seeing a group of mobs run into them. I also use them to traverse the landscape, throwing traps behind me, crippling the mobs (trait). Always fun to see that loot and XP popping up on my screeen when I am already almost out of sight of the mobs. :)

Again, pure PvE.

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