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PvP league seasons in unranked!


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Ranked players want to win at all costs.PvE farmers and chilled offmeta players (me) are there for gold & fun.

Needless to say the first type scores loss after loss after being matched up with me, since i'm the second type, and hell will freeze over before i surrender my offmeta fun for harrowing, soul-draining experience of being 1,000,834th scourge winning using the same build, same patterns and same tactics as every other meta scourge out there.

So being a good neighbour i ask you kindly: Embrace unranked in league season rewards as well. Let the rank-oriented maniacs feel godly at playing their 10yo meta builds, and let us farmers and offmeta whackjobs have our own fun and gold without screwing over theirs.

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I'm simply extending helping hand to ranked players. You want serious, rank driven teammates that play meta and are doing their best to improve.I want fun with my own builds and rewards, prestige and meta be damned. Now, do you want me on your team? No? then support the idea for league rewards to be earned in unranked as well.

The system will put you/me at 50% winrate anyway, no matter where you are. Low or high there is little difference how fast you earn "gold". Real gold for being skilled is at ATs, not regular league matches. And those are not affected by my proposal.You get yours (serious ranked experience and rewards) i get mine (fun unranked experience and rewards).

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@ZeftheWicked.3076 said:Ranked players want to win at all costs.PvE farmers and chilled offmeta players (me) are there for gold & fun.

Needless to say the first type scores loss after loss after being matched up with me, since i'm the second type, and hell will freeze over before i surrender my offmeta fun for harrowing, soul-draining experience of being 1,000,834th scourge winning using the same build, same patterns and same tactics as every other meta scourge out there.

So being a good neighbour i ask you kindly: Embrace unranked in league season rewards as well. Let the rank-oriented maniacs feel godly at playing their 10yo meta builds, and let us farmers and offmeta whackjobs have our own fun and gold without screwing over theirs.

Ho... so you're a pve player who wants pvp rewards without the pvp challenge. Easy farming... I see.

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@Delweyn.1309 said:

@"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:Ranked players want to win at all costs.PvE farmers and chilled offmeta players (me) are there for gold & fun.

Needless to say the first type scores loss after loss after being matched up with me, since i'm the second type, and hell will freeze over before i surrender my offmeta fun for harrowing, soul-draining experience of being 1,000,834th scourge winning using the same build, same patterns and same tactics as every other meta scourge out there.

So being a good neighbour i ask you kindly: Embrace unranked in league season rewards as well. Let the rank-oriented maniacs feel godly at playing their 10yo meta builds, and let us farmers and offmeta whackjobs have our own fun and gold without screwing over theirs.

Ho... so you're a pve player who wants pvp rewards without the pvp challenge. Easy farming... I see.


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I made a similar suggestion and thread not long ago.

Basically what it came down too is that ranked players dont want PIPS in unranked because then there would be no one playing ranked...Which means most players are aware of how dead the game is becoming OR they need a little bit of cannon fodder to help them climb... Just like pitting UA hero students against the general studies class for a tournament. (MHA rules!)

But totally understand where ya coming from... I play D/D tempest and get flak the moment I load in but I just tell them I dont care what they think and lie to them and say I'm a FIRE/AIR build and they're welcome to leave then and there and some do, making it 4v5 before the game started lol

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