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Power Chrono PvE Dps - Domination Line


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I'll be testing that out on sunday.Things to consider areIllusions:

  • 10.4% personal dmg
  • more frequent shatters
  • 25% phantasm dmg


  • 15% Phantasm dmg
  • 23.75% personal dmg
  • 25-50% shatter dmg

Note: percentage dmg increases stack multiplicative so the correct way to calculate it is 1.10*1.125 not 1.10+1.125and illusions is 1.02^5 if they didn't change the way the trait works at aome point.

I'll post my results here

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@Me Games Ma.8426 said:I'll be testing that out on sunday.Things to consider areIllusions:

  • 10.4% personal dmg
  • more frequent shatters
  • 25% phantasm dmg


  • 15% Phantasm dmg
  • 23.75% personal dmg
  • 25-50% shatter dmg

Note: percentage dmg increases stack multiplicative so the correct way to calculate it is 1.10*1.125 not 1.10+1.125and illusions is 1.02^5 if they didn't change the way the trait works at aome point.

I'll post my results here

looking forward to it. thanks for taking the time to do it.

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I did some testing yesterday and i wanted to post my result, just for you ;)

Domi 2-2-2

So dps, with full buff on golem is about the same, (i did 33-33.5k) everytime.

Illu 1-3-1 i did a little bit more, the 2 stacks of mind wrack + the 15%cd is just too good, really. It's about the same (but i did 34-34.5) wich is a little bit more.

From what i see, the longer the fight last, the best illu is, because you lose a lot of shatter while beeing in domi, even with the dommage increase.

Now (i also enjoy solo open world and frac)

With absolutly NO BUFF, illu is stronger, by far, for those who want to know, i did 13-14k with domi 2-2-2 and 20k with illu 1-2-1.

To conclude, even if those are my personnal result, i'm pretty sure domi is still a little bit less strong, because the longer the fight last, you'll miss (A LOT) sustain with shatter. I even had to wait like 3-4 sec with 3 clones to shatter. Then you have no clones because the timing is messed up.

Sorry for my english, i'm french.

Hope it helped! :)

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@Tankdispo.9025 said:Hellow!

I did some testing yesterday and i wanted to post my result, just for you ;)

Not sure how you got these numbers, Domi-Duelling-Chrono definitely gets higher numbers on the golem than Illu-Duelling-Chrono (34k vs 33.6k if playing with torment on shatter).Also what do you mean by full buffs?All boons and all profession specific enhancements & all conditions?

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@Tankdispo.9025 said:Exacly, and did you test with the 4m hp?Because i'm really getting more with illu, almost everytime!

I'll do more tonight, will keep you in touch!

Yes I tested on the 4mil Golem with the realistic raidbuffs, you can see the link to those tests 4 posts above.I didn't test extensively with unrealistic buffs, but I just did 1 run each and got about 37k on Domi Duelling Chrono and close to 36k on Illusions Duelling Chrono so its the same difference regardless of buffs.

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