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To whoever designed the Elon Riverlands Griffin Master Course... [minor mechanical spoilers]

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... phew. This is some serious difficulty! The other courses pale in comparison with this one.While I thank you for a wonderful and challenging hour I spend working on the course, I have to admit: the level of trolling it takes to place a colorful checkpoint right before the key obstacles - the palm tree before the cave and more importantly the bend in the cave - so that you cannot see it until it is to late is borderline infuriating!

Anyhow: awesome job on the griffin movement and the associated challenges. It is fiddly at first and the - at this point - high frequency of bugs (getting thrown off midair, having the griffin turn into a static rig that behaves like the unmounted PC) requires some patience from players, but the learning curve is very fun and the sensation of speed exhilarating!

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:I look forward to that one. I'm still trying to figure out how to get enough speed for the Oasis one. I keep reaching the building that you go through with like 6 seconds left for gold.

Make sure to hit space when swooping but be careful not to hit the ground (the speed spike comes in with the actual flap that uses your endurance). Don't pull up more than you absolutely have to. Then this one shouldn't give you any trouble =)I enjoyed racing threw other players very much ^^

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It took me 1 hour to record 32 seconds, problem isn't the course. It's so hard to control diving and accelerating the Griffon. I often end up kissing ground with Swoop, other times I end up stalling mid air. They should make Griffon controls easier. Jump - Press and hold 1- press V or Space (still diving) - Press and hold S to normalize angle (Bcs it's more responsive) - Fail. Someone told me just to jump - 1- v- release 1. But that's not working. I dont know whats wrong here.

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@"fatihso.7258" Well it is somewhat fiddly, but after getting used to it's not that bad. Part of the reason why it feels so weird is that the speed actually comes in bursts, so whether you will hit the ground or pull even just in time (given that you don't want to actually pull up by pressing "s") is a matter of aligning the flap rhythm to your flying curve.I end up slamming the ground a lot when I'm going for daily records, because I try to optimize pulling even/up at the last moment in order to shave off a few nanoseconds. But that's actually not so bad given that the courses take ~30 seconds to complete and you can just start over. If the courses were longer this would be much more frustrating.

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