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"Special" Weapons/Armour & Skins?


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I can't answer with all certainty, but in the case of legendaries it would likely void progress. I don't know if it is still the case but when it came to legendary weapons, if we transmuted the precursor we could no longer create the final legendary.

So I would err on the side of caution and not transmute anything that needs to be upgraded to a higher gear tier until after its completed. If someone has done it and says its fine, you could try if you like, but if it's something like a legendary piece of gear I wouldn't risk it myself.

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I know it used to be the case that people were always told not to transmute a precursor or it wouldn't work. But I think that was because of the old transmutation system where you combined two items, destroying both in the process and creating a new hybrid with the stats of one and the skin of the other. So basically the new weapon wasn't a precursor anymore, it was something new. Or maybe it was only a problem if you kept the skin and not the stats of the base weapon, but people just said not to transmute because it was simpler.

Under the new system I know it won't work if you put the skin onto another item. For example if I got a generic staff, even a level 80 exotic staff, and reskinned it to look like The Legend even though it looks right and the name is right it won't work in the Mystic Forge recipe to make The Bifrost. But I'm not sure if the same is true about changing the skin on the actual precursor.

I can check Caladbolg when I get home because I've got both the sword and dagger versions which have been transmuted. I did that because I don't care if I can't change them to other forms. With anything else, especially precursor weapons/armour I wouldn't risk it. If you really can't stand the skin just don't use it until you've got the final version.

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@Maethor.2810 said:I can't answer with all certainty, but in the case of legendaries it would likely void progress. I don't know if it is still the case but when it came to legendary weapons, if we transmuted the precursor we could no longer create the final legendary.

So I would err on the side of caution and not transmute anything that needs to be upgraded to a higher gear tier until after its completed. If someone has done it and says its fine, you could try if you like, but if it's something like a legendary piece of gear I wouldn't risk it myself.

if you try to put a transmuted item into the mystic forge it says it will revert back to its original form as the skin is just a skin so i think the same principle applies

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