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Concerns about mounts and invisible walls


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So I'm having a blast with mounts, but here's some criticism. I feel it spoils the fun of being able to jump and fly to high places on maps when you run into an invisible wall when there's clearly more map space to land on. Being "off the map" doesn't break the game in PvE modes in any way; i can understand about being off the map in WvW and PvP though. I was in Bitterfrost Frontier trying to get to the ledge that was behind the Rng paywall in BlC chests a few months back, but now there's ridiculously, uncalled for invisible walls blocking the way up there. I was REALLY excited to finally be able to get there. Not only this, but the hole to get off the map in Dragonstand that has been there since the first day of HOT was patched out as well. Why does ANET have such a problem with being "off the map" when it doesn't really break anything? It's honestly one of the things I love and enjoy about playing games and it's getting harder and harder to find that enjoyment. (I frequently did the off map bounces back in Halo 2 and it gave me hours upon hours of enjoyment past the original intent of the game)

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I love it too but technically it is considered bad game design for players to be able to break out of maps, even if it doesn't affect any other areas of gameplay. So I can understand why they'd want to patch it. And if you didn't mean to do it and aren't the type who likes it enough to drop whatever you were doing and explore it can be really annoying as getting back in can sometimes be harder than getting out. (Sure you can waypoint but then you have to go all the way back to where you were.)

It can also lead to exploits. For example if you can get into the water under a map you can swim around freely and then if you log out and back in you end up at ground level directly above where you logged out. Which can be used to access areas like the end of mini dungeons without having to go through the actual dungeon.

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I have that ridiculous pay wall BFF item you speak of. But, a while back purchased the BFF portal scroll to add to the portal tome.

Haven't used the vantage point in a while.Anyway, the other night, I decided I wanted to get a toon closer to the WP, so I busted out my all handy BFF vantage point.

If it makes you feel better, now, becuse of that invisible wall, not only can you not get up there from the ground, but you also can't glide down from there and into the map.

It is what it is, but begs the question, what's the point of either having or not having access to that location now?

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@HazyDaisy.4107 said:I have that ridiculous pay wall BFF item you speak of. But, a while back purchased the BFF portal scroll to add to the portal tome.

Haven't used the vantage point in a while.Anyway, the other night, I decided I wanted to get a toon closer to the WP, so I busted out my all handy BFF vantage point.

If it makes you feel better, now, becuse of that invisible wall, not only can you not get up there from the ground, but you also can't glide down from there and into the map.

It is what it is, but begs the question, what's the point of either having or not having access to that location now?

Because it's so pretty up there and I like relaxing there. @_@

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