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Main problems about soulbeast

Aleksander Suburb.4287

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@Zenith.7301 said:

Alright, you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.Oppressive Superiority is percentage based, so with good healing you’ll always have the effect on you, as for Twice as Vicious we already discussed on the last page how the condition for the trait to activate was bad in most situations, and the trait needed to be looked at. I don’t know how you pulled the 15% average damage for Sic ‘Em, but with a 40% damage increase the average damage increase is certainly not 15%, also god forbid you for taking a skill slot for a damage increase skill in a power build. Maul grants Attack of Opportunity, Hilt Bash renew Maul. Who talked about Nature Magic, the traits I was referring to were in Beastmastery. Soulbeast is not meant to compete against Druid, but can eventually complete it, because you can take a Spirit (Frost, Sun, or Stone), thus freeing a slot for the Druid to take anything else. You’re clearly underestimating the impact of +280 Power/+250 Ferocity plus all the damage modifier and other statistic increase coming with Beastmode, especially with burst skills like Maul or Worldly Impact, and in any cases you’re not meant to camp Beastmode, but go out in order to let the pet rotate its skill, an then go back to Beastmode.No one here talked about power Soulbeast being relevant or not in hardcore content, if anything we’re very skeptical about it because power builds have several important issues, some of them listed in page one, such as poor damage on pet skills in Beastmode, some traits/skills not working in Beastmode (…), and condition Soulbeast are crippled by the pet swap bug, among other things.Your contribution here however is clearly ill-informed, and doesn’t bring much to the discussion or feedback.

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@TheGrimness.1567 said:My problem is not with the stances themselves my problem is in PvP while using Dolyak stance I get knock down , knocked back and feared by other players why ?

Stability is a boon that can be ripped or corrupted. Spellbreakers delete the boons and knock you down and scourges can convert it into fear.Dolyak stance works just fine as it is, but in conquest it isnt really as potent as in WvW.

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