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Kalla redesign possible?

Miles Smiles.8951

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Well if you look at herald trait line and Glint legendary stance you see that it's kinda versatile and can be successfully used for different purposes and different specs: power and condi damage specs, good for bunkering, support via boon share, rez, aoe stun break and superspeed... When you look at Kalla and renegade traits it really feels like you're pigeonholed into some certain things.Like, for example, you don't get the full potential of Kalla's Fervor if you either don't go for condi damage or critical hits. Or you don't get much use from Razorclaw's Rage and Citadel Bombardment on a power build, and you cannot unspec from those.So does renegade feel like an elite spec at all for you guys? Any thoughts on redesign? Or is 2017 just a really bad time to be a revenant?

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So having played rev from the expansion, I love my thief and necro.Rev felt clunky, thinks have improved. But While Kalia bow is fun I out dps with mace/axe. I'm using a high crit build but feels like things need better tweaking. The commands are fun but I use them I frequently and swap stances far more often. Maybe it's me but it feels like energy management and regen is harsher now.

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@Andred.1087 said:Not a rev player but I honestly have no idea why they went this route with the spec at all. Like, did nobody at ANet suggest Turai Ossa? That's such an obvious way to go, they really blew that opportunity.

The issue with going with Turai is that his weapon set was/is Sword and Shield. Given we already have both sword and shield it kind of kicked him out of the Legend line up. Though someone they could have gone with that would have been a much better choice, still been a renegade, and would have been the first step to bringing Spear to land, would have been General Morgahn. He might have just been a hero in GW1, but he was a well respected and well known General among Kournans. He was also a devout believer in the gods, which could have made for some interesting dialogue when facing off against Balth (And would have also made for a better NPC than a random charr seeking spiritual connection, far away from his homeland, from a legend that has nothing to do with this region of the world).

Though I agree Kalla should have been saved for when we end up going over to the charr homeland (someday), her skill set is actually very useful for condi Rev. Testing out both my build pre-PoF I've gone up about 5k dps (This is, sadly, sticking with M/A still, just using Kalla over Jalis), and this doesn't include the amount of increased dmg I provide my party via Razorclaw or Soulcleaver. Shortbow is a great weapon for breaking away when you can't stick in melee range and provides a good option for enemies immune to fire (looking at you Champ Effigy). I also agree shortbow could use a bit of a buff, given the conditions needed to land skills 3 and 5 (No obstacles and can't shoot them anywhere but forward). If those two remain like that the aa or Bloodbane path should have their damage boosted a bit, as they don't have issues hitting their target. As the bow stands now, though, it's about a 10k dps loss over M/A. Fun for open world and fine for fracts, but ended up using it VERY rarely in Raids (Crystals for Xera, Greens for VG, and if I got the agony on Cairn).

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I think the real problem with the Renegade, which has been pointed out by a few people, is that it just intuitively feels more like stuff that should have gone to core Revenant rather than stuff that comprises an elite spec.

I think that mostly Anet has dropped the ball on making core Rev feel like a polished, well-balanced class. They've just let it be half-finished and mediocre for a long time. Revs need a 5th core legend or some extra utility skills to slot in for build variety at the very least. Personally, I'd remove their weapon swap and let them swap between 3 out of 5 legends instead of 2 out of 4.

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