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Clunkiness and unreliability should not be balancing factors


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Nerfing chrono is one thing, but these changes were made with no regards to QoL and fun, both for the chrono themselves and their group. All the boonshare was moved to wells, in particular the last tick, while the change to SoI means that chrono has to both play the UI to see what boons their party currently has and stall their opening, waiting for the wells finish ticking first. So we are back to the stacking meta, if anybody wants to have any boons. At least in raids, because good luck stacking in fractals.

And this is something chrono has no control over, as they cannot control how their allies will choose to move in the next 3 seconds. This is a stark contrast to Renegade that can reposition their Orders from Above at will, and Firebrand whose skills deliver boons instantly.

Some simple changes would go a long way to smooth out these issues. Change the boon wells to behave similarly to Well of Calamity. That is, have them pulse 1 second of alacrity/quickness with every pulse, with the final pulse being 3s of alacrity/quickness. The total output remains the same, but chrono can begin their rotation immediately, while wells are not totally useless if chrono's allies miss the final tick.

@Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 and the rest of the systems team, please take this into consideration.

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I would be happy if anet was not so stupidly tight with addons

I am playing support and i want to see what boons and condi my team mates have. This balance patch is trash because they nerf things and don't allow tools into the game to play decently.is Chrono still playable ? YeahIs chrono fun ? No, i don't want to play the UI.

Also now getting new players in raids will be even worse and you can't carry bad people. Brace yourselves for the threads of "omg i got kicked cause my dps was trash"

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Yeah exactly, I just want a "buff manager" addon like I had in WoW, which would tell me when to refresh things and whether I am currently in the green or not, and whether it'd be worth recasting or no one is in range anyhow.

Such a shame they don't have a public API for addon development :pensive:

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