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New Playable Race


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I know it's probably a lot to ask on the development team, but I think it's the perfect time to introduce the Dwarven race. We have Balthazar out of the way, Kralkatorrik who will hopefully be next, then the loose energy will re-awaken Primordius and Jormag again which opens up a lost area where some of the Asura and Dwarves survived. The Asura re-connect with their lost counterparts and they try to bring the dwarves back into society to unite against the two remaining Dragons. However, the Dwarves were able to survive so long in isolation because of the revival of the Monk skills. They did not need to resort to altering themselves to stone like the other tribes. Meditation kept their minds healthy, their strength high, and their focus clear. Instead of taking refuge in Rata Sum, they take the southern swamplands east of Rata Sum and build an underground fortress that they call home making them the 6th new home city.

This could easily begin their "story" at later levels to remain in canon (even though revenant didn't quite make sense since Zhaitan was killed before Rytlock went into the Mists...but I digress. I think they should be a huge focus of the next expansion. This could also open up the excavation/archaeology skill that would offer loads more lore to the world and achievements for the die-hard players.

Don't get me wrong, I love the story and the new mounts addition, but I feel the next great move should be a new playable race. What do you guys think? Let me know below.

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Personally, I think new playable races would be cool, but it's nowhere near the top on my wishlist. Unless we got race change possibilities, I wouldn't want to switch my main just to get to play another race.

It would be nice, however to see Tyria get a bit more diverse in its population. It's rather boring to see humans and norns everywhere, with the occasional charr and asura here and there.

So, it's a strong 'meh' for me.

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There's no room for both norns and dwarves, they're too similar. Which is likely why one of them got written out. I would've preferred dwarves instead of norns, but norns is what we got, so...

If they ever add new races, it should be something that doesn't overlap too much with the existing species. Tengu would work fine, especially if they were portrayed as xenophobic but cultured..

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