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Never should have gotten rid of town clothes.

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@Jokubas.4265 said:

@"Automaton.2751" said:Am I the only one that misses the old "Town Clothes" option? A set of clothes you could equip like armour in a seperate tab that would equip like a costume whenever you were in town.

Did you have a mod? My problem with Town Clothes was exactly that it didn't do that.

The idea of actually having our characters dress like normal people in town instead of going around in elaborate glowing armor 24/7 was an interesting concept for immersion, but when you had to equip it manually it was just never going to matter.

The vast majority of players aren't roleplayers and are never going to bother with it at all.More casual roleplayers (like myself) aren't committed enough to bother remembering every time they went into town (especially when you're often only in town briefly) and doing a manual action that otherwise doesn't matter at all.

The fact that there weren't very many options (everyone just wearing the same racial outfit while in town would be silly) didn't help, but it seems obvious that one of the reasons the options remained limited was that people weren't using it to begin with.

I'd be all for it returning if it returned as an automated system for the sake of immersion, rather than a manual thing that only a small part of the audience is ever going to use (and a part of the audience that could still manually replicate a similar concept, at that).

I think they changed it, but I do remember auto-equipping them at one point. Was it Beta? Anyways, the thing about it is that it would've been annoying at the time. You would've been auto-equipping the toys of your town clothing. This was when Swiftness was useful to move around town. I remember some annoying things being removed before launch, like dye seeds with fertilizer that could be bought with gems to skip a daily cooldown on growing dye plants, but it was better to just sell the gems and buy the dye.

Town clothing would actually work now if they ever wanted to reintroduce the concept. Toy items are no longer items that we need to equip. Swiftness spam isn't needed with mounts and Leader of the Pact. I wouldn't mind a set of clothing that I could auto-equip in towns. I would much rather have other RP features worked on as a non-RPer, though.

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