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bomb kit apperiance


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Why not try charr male for engineer then? Should be a good fit!But that aside, the new appearance has been considered a step up from the old "hobosack" backpack. What would you suggest to change the bomb?Personally, I'd keep the shape, but give it a metal casing, or maybe make it look like a satchel charge? I mean the bomb kit tries to be a neutral container that can hold five different explosive formulas, so the model has to remain somewhat neutral, but the stereotypical "bomb" look is currently taken by the grenade kit which looks like 1800s infantry grenades.

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I remember when they made the change with the kits being held in our hands, and not on our backs. As well as the change to mortar kit. They said that the skins would be placeholders, since the mechanical change was to be done right away. Then later on they could update how the kits looked. But that never happened :(

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